Oath of the Drake, The

As part of the Shogu formal graduation into the ranks of the Itoqir proper, they are required to recite and swear the Oath of the Drake -- a small series of conduct pledges steeped in the myth of the Great Sky Drake. This oath is referenced in the Itoqir salutes, among other things.    
The Oath
  “Hear me! I am of the Drake inevitable: the Great Drake that shelters me and sustains me, as I shelter and sustain it. It has offered me its flesh and of its flesh I have eaten and become; the same flesh I then offer to feed my kin. Those who challenge me challenge my kin, and those who challenge my kin challenge me.

I am from the Drake inevitable. I am bound joyously to its duty and pride. I am strong of heart and sharp of mind, seeking always the needle in the dark and the honor in the heart. I will not falter in serving my people; I will not falter when facing my foe.

I am to the Drake inevitable. Eternally for my maker I wait and obey, ‘til I am nought but ash and my water gone. Ever will I turn skyward, where endless wings will welcome me home. In the name of the divine arithmetic, this I know, this I vow.”


Swearing-in of cadets to full-fledged military.
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Expiration Date


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