Itoqir (Ih-TOH-keer)

The Ustrarian military was one of the largest of all six countries and one of the most organized, and as such formed the backbone of the Golden Itoqir, the main force of the Pact of the Blessèd in the War of the Six. However, as with many of the participating armies it experienced a huge number of casualties both during the conflict itself and in the aftermath wrought by the Plague of the Bitter Hand; not only did it lose over half of its members but also many of its guiding hands. In the long road to recovery recruitment has been haphazard and frantic, and corruption is seeping in.   The Itoqir are based in Korzhûn and once operated out of Embermore Keep itself, but as the city and its army grew they began operating out of nearby barracks instead. They are overseen by a Tothjal, who typically works hand-in-hand with the Korzhûn Stewardship, but not always. There is also a strong foundation of internal civil professions to support the soldiers overseen by a Chief Warmaster and a Chief Mercy, who advise the Tothjal.   They draw their recruits from a cadet corps known as a Shogu Holding, essentially a local bootcamp. Cadets are usually in training for two years, though in times of strife this has been shortened to six to nine seasons. Though some cadets may already have a predisposition for one division or another, they all serve as Shogu. On graduation they are randomly assigned to a specific scale, claw, and wing.


Modes of address typically consist of the individual's rank followed by their division. E.g., "Eba-Qalir" is a Captain of the Qalir, the valsar masters. The number of higher ranks used is flexible, largely depending on circumstance, numbers, and necessity.   Divisions: Nalir, Fiir, Mulir, Razakir, Qalir, Droxir, Shogu Holding. Within these, from highest to lowest, are the ranks Tothjal, Jal, Eba, Prisa, Risho, and Shogu.   Internal Units, from smallest to largest: Scale, Claw, Wing, drake.   Internal Professions: Provisioners, Wingsmiths, Shepherds of Leaving, Warsmiths, Physicias/Clerics. Within most of these, from highest to lowest, are the ranks Chief/Master, Assistant, and the profession name by itself.   Units and Divine Mathematics:   The entire Itoqir is often called 'the Great Drake' when mobilized, a reference to the Great Sky Drake on the Ustrarian crest, and at minimum includes a certain number of forces that equate to a 'drake' (army). However, it may also include several drakes in large conflicts.   While the composition of a drake is flexible in terms of how many of each division are present (relying heavily on the skill of its Chief Warmaster to alter the composition to suit the conflict), its internal units are strict on numbers due to the historical superstition of divine mathematics, for good fortune. Internal units are usually constructed in multipliers of four. Thus, a standard drake contains 32,786 soldiers of various types. The Great Drake can no longer be called such if its forces lose just one of that 32,786.   Claws and wings have specific names (see Index of Itoqir Wings and Claws) to distinguish them from their peers, while scales are merely numbered for recordkeeping purposes. A soldier of whatever rank may be called to duty by division or claw and directed according to scale.


  The Itoqir's flag is similar in motif and coloring to the Ustrarian flag, consisting of an ochre vertical rectangle bordered in gold, with a centralized four-winged red drake under a rayed golden sun.  
Oath of the Drake
  As part of the Shogu formal graduation into the ranks, they are required to recite and swear the Oath of the Drake -- a small series of conduct pledges steeped in the myth of the Great Sky Drake. This oath is referenced in the Itoqir salutes, among other things.  
Unit Identity
  Though randomly assigned upon graduation and rarely reassigned, unit names become a strong matter of military identity. A soldier may introduce themselves as "Nalir-Prisa [First Name] [Surname]", or they may also use "[Named] Claw of the [Named] Wing, Nalir-Prisa [First Name [Last Name]" -- known as one's 'drake-name'. This flourish and bravado is the subject of some degree of mockery from those in other military systems.  
  A superior is not required to salute a subordinate in everyday situations, but the subordinate's salute is acknowledged by the superior touching their right index and middle finger to their chin (palm inward), referencing the expression “The merest slight on your chin is mine”, which in turn references the oaths they take on promotion to respect and protect their subordinates.

Everyday, Subordinate to Superior: The right clenched hand strikes the heart and then rises to the forehead, where the index and middle finger touch the forehead at a right angle. This references the “Strong of heart, sharp of mind” pledge.
Everyday, Subordinate to Superior of Two Ranks or Higher: As above, but with the added third step of opening the hand, extending the thumb, and placing it tightly at the base of the throat while dipping the head slightly forward. This references the “I wait and obey” section of the pledge concerning superiors.
Everyday, Peer to Peer: A simple flat right palm over heart. Optional, but typically used when they do not know each other well.
Formal, Subordinate to Superior: The everyday two-part salute, but with the second hand added: both fists are struck to the chest, left arm crossing right; when the right fingers touch the forehead, the left arm tucks behind the back. There are slight variations for small arms, especially glaive-bearers.
Formal, Subordinate to Superior of Two Ranks or Higher: Same as the everyday three-step salute, but the index and middle finger of the left hand, palm out, also touch the left ear.   Itoqir are taught to regard the Stewardship, the Baron of the Guard and their Commanders, Shepherds of Apprentice rank or higher, and Hands and Heralds as equivalent to the Jal rank, and to err on the side of caution with other religious or civil leaders. Ustrarian City Guard Captains/Captain-Primes are regarded as Eba equivalents.  
Schools of Combative Arts
  Like several militaries throughout Icalar, the Itoqir's training is supported by a backbone of martial teachings from the Schools of Combative Arts. All Shogu and Itoqir receive basic training in the following arts, but particular divisions may go on to more advanced teachings within them:
  • Book of the Sword -- given greater later focus by the Nalir and Mulir.
  • Book of the Spear -- given greater later focus by the Qalir and Razakir.
  • Book of the Dagger -- given greater later focus by the Mulir.
  • Book of the Body
  • Book of the Mind
  All divisions have a standard-issue informal and formal uniform consisting of brown leather breeches, bracers, boots, and jerkin, with various additions depending on division and combat intensity. They are also recognizable by their sienna-colored sashes: while all other divisions wear them as wide belts, the Razakir and Qalir wear them cross-body.

Public Agenda

The security and civil order of Ustraria.


Recovering Forces as of the Season of Opening, 1001AC: These figures do not include the Shogu Holding.   Nalir -- approx 20,000
Two Jal
Four Eba
Twelve Prisa   Mulir -- approx 60
Two Eba
Three Prisa   Qalir -- approx 18
One Eba
Two Prisa   Razakir -- approx 40
Two Eba
Four Prisa   Fiir -- approx 30 (Ustrarian)
One Grand Elder
One Elder
Approx twenty Mentors


During the War of the Six the Itoqir, as the largest and most organized military of the six countries and certainly the largest of those brought to the Pact of the Blessèd. As a result it formed the backbone of the Golden Itoqir and loaned much of its structure, unit names, etc.   At peak mobilization the Great Drake contained two standard drakes (65,536 soldiers) from Ustraria alone and a further drake (32,768 soldiers) of united forces from other countries, as well as two reserve wings (16,384 soldiers). Thus, at its peak the Great Drake -- as the Golden Itoqir -- was officially 114,688 strong.

Honor before might; might only with wisdom.


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