Shogu (SHOW--goo)

A cadet of the Itoqir; cadet corps is known as the Shogu Holding and usually lasts for two years, though in times of strife this has been shortened to six to nine seasons. Though some cadets may already have a predisposition for one division or another, they all serve as Shogu. They do not wear torques of rank.   They graduate in three classes: first-ranked, second-ranked, and third-ranked; the first-ranked additionally have a ‘top twelve’ known as the Exemplar. In the first year of service their formal title after graduation is “[Division]-Shogu, [level] Rank”; the Exemplar subtitle, if earned, is typically reduced to a note in their file for superiors' reference only rather than included in address. A graduating class is referred to as “the [#] Holding”.   Although they utilize real weapons after their first year of training -- taken from the Barracks' joint supply for Risho and Priiks -- they are not permitted to bring them out of the Holding or Barracks until after their formal graduation. Like all members of the Itoqir regardless of division, if they obtain the Eba or higher, they then have access to dedicated supplies and personal gear.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
Length of Term
Two years maximum, unless dismissed early on grounds of unsuitability
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