Peraeg Ivaler (PEHR-RAYG IH-val-err)


Peraeg Ivaler is one of the Earthborn Star of Iyr, specifically the Mattock. Along with Chexa Maudam and Andrathath Gorre, he has served as part of the Star for the longest.   Blire Keep being situated nearest the main route into neighboring Ustraria, part of the Mattock's traditional duties has been to guard it. However, with the two countries continuing to be strong allies there has been less of a need for this and as a result, Ivaler has used it as an excuse to delegate the duty -- and others he perceives as unurgent -- in favor of indulging his other interests, much to the dismay of the rest of the Star. He has yet to be replaced due to his admittedly peerless expertise in civil engineering.
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Blire Keep, west-northwest Dohest Valley
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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