Iyr (EER)

Iyr is the smallest country of Icalar, consisting solely of two islands (the Eastern Isle and the Western Isle) and the Iyran peninsula extending south from the base of the mountains in the north and ending in Seyis-Gol. It is bordered on its east flank by the Laqalney River and its west flank by the Tubisqu and Acheche rivers; additionally, the Dakpa River cuts across its northeastern corner. Similar to its neighbor Ustraria, most of its territory is mountainous and unsuitable for extensive agriculture, with the notable exception being the Dohest Valley (or simply 'the Dohest') in the north of the peninsula and in which both its capital, Pel-dohest, and Lake Womander sit. It is also the territory with the highest regular elevation on the continent, with the exception of the Creqira.   Most of its population lives permanently in the capital or smaller settlements in the Dohest Valley, but there are other significant permanent cities on the riverbanks and a few mining towns in the country's mountains themselves to support its industrial strength. Stone bridges, stout tunnels, and winding roads through the mountains are a notable architectural feat in the country. A decent portion of its wealth also comes from trade facilitation with Balaqalneyis, Unenshuut, and Ustraria (and to a lesser degree, Seyis-Gol).   It is governed by the Earthborn Star, a monarchy of five elected individuals: the Lance, the Mattock, the Hand, the Dagger, and the Lantern. They are based in small individual castles surrounding the Dohest and are responsible for both legislative ruling and maintaining individual armies and civilian unions to cooperatively stabilize the country.


The country's flag is composed of a vertical rectangle as base (bottom two thirds dark gray ending in jagged mountain-like edge, upper third light blue five-pointed star (white) filling upper half and overlaying base color change; star contains black silhouettes of lance, mattock, dagger, hand, and lantern.   Architecture:
Homes and businesses are often built into tiers cut into the land out of necessity, and tend to favor squared-off designs that work with the grain of the mountain stone. Wealth is frequently demonstrated by inlaying precious metals or gems into the stone, or particularly fine or deep carvings. Sky motifs are common.   Anthropology:
One's tools take pride of place moreso than weapons -- they tend to be well-made (as a poorly-made tool is considered shameful), highly decorated, and given a prominent and often decorated spot in the house. Crucially, no tool is seen as 'lesser' than another or as belonging to a particular gender -- for example, sewing needles are seen as equal to chisels or hammers. Proficiency with tools in general carries more weight than other skills, and decorative objects made with a variety of precise tools that require great skill often feature as coming-of-age projects, competition tasks, significant gifts (such as for weddings or tribute), and symbols of competence. For example, a young person is usually expected to complete their own personal 'wealth casket' in their eighteenth year, composed of carved and embroidered panels, joinery in the form of drawers and doors, metalwork, and painting or etching.   Outside of the Creqira, Iyr's altitude means it experiences harsher winters by Icalaran standards and this has supported a tradition of quasi-hiberation during the colder, less productive weeks.


Largest portion of Eizunuth Well shoreline.

Technological Level

Most of Iyr's technological prowess is related to its mining and architectural industries, though it has a notable society of amateur astronomers (the Valley Starwatchers) in Pel-dohest.


Although the Order of the Burning Crown is dominant in the country at roughly 59%, the Earthborn Star have proved more cautious than Ustraria in naming it the official state religion. Another approximate 20% are Sehndists, with those remaining being unaffiliated or other.

Foreign Relations

Pre-War: Friendly terms with all other countries, no trade or travel restrictions
Friendly terms with Balaqalneyis, Ustraria, and Seyis-Gol; limited relations with Kiva; trade and travel lockdown with Unenshuut
Post-War, Plague Active:
Immense travel restrictions and certain trade restrictions, but cooperative terms with all countries
Post-War, Plague Recessive:
Cooperative if not friendly terms with all countries, former trade and travel restrictions relaxing

Agriculture & Industry

Although Seyis-Gol can claim to produce the widest variety of mined materials, Iyr enjoys its advantage for being the largest producer of peseta and oze, and has a strong trade partnership with Ustraria. Its fishing industry is decent, with a notable niche harvest of rigral from the Eizunuth Well, the scales of which are regarded as valuable as semi-precious stones and the meat seen as a delicacy or devout Sehndist sacrament.

Trade & Transport

Due to their geography, the majority of trade takes place via river.


The Earthborn Star encourages tradeskill apprenticeships through their individual unions, but basic non-vocational education is also available through local schoolhouses supported by taxes; homeschooling is unusual and for a child above the age of five to not be enrolled in some sort of educational program is seen as extreme parental negligence. Part of their national pride is in their hardworking nature; however, academic achievements are not as highly-valued as vocational skill -- it is not uncommon for intellectually-gifted individuals to seek fulfillment in Ustraria. Around 70% of the population have had some degree of institutionalized basic education, while 80% have a 'Union' education. Around 50% of those with a Union education have been instructed to a professional level.   Iyr has consequently begun to be called 'the Land of Infinite Hands' or 'the Hammer of Icalar'.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
"The Land of Infinite Hands", "The Hammer of Icalar"
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Major Exports
Ore, rigral scales and meat.
Major Imports
Cloth, timber, meats, grain.
Legislative Body
Executive Body
The civilian and military forces of the Earthborn Star
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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