Earthborn Star

The democratically-elected monarchy of five individuals tasked with governing the country of Iyr, including providing legislature and military forces. They are each based in their own individual castles on the outer edges of the Dohest Valley rather than gathering centrally in the capital of Pel-dohest; this is rooted in the mystical origin story of the order and its titles as much as it is seen as strategic. They are referred to by their specific title where possible, 'Earthborn Star' as a plural noun, or 'one of the Earthborn Star' if the specific title is not known or the general single-noun reference is needed.   Each Star has historically taken a special interest in certain aspects of government and/or the wellbeing of the Iyran people, but they govern cooperatively and are expected to be familiar with the basics of their peers' duties. These specialties vary from individual to individual regardless of title; for example, the predecessor of the current Dagger may have been a proponent of education, while the current holder brings expertise in civil engineering. During elections, it is expected that candidates' career histories, social contributions, and knowledge be taken into consideration.   Members hold equal authority to one another, and in most situations are elected for life unless death or abdication occur. Folred Petris was one such exception to this general rule.   The monarchs, their current bearers, and their castles are as follows:


Cooperative, equal leadership by the Hand, Mattock, Lantern, Dagger, and Lance.


On ceremonial occasions, reference is often made to "The Coku and the Kythyk’jun the Mountain-Leaper'.

Public Agenda

The wellbeing and progress of the Iyran people.


The Earthborn Star was named as a governing body in early 620AC not long after the formal renaming of Pel-dohest in 619AC and its estbalishment as Iyr's capital. However, the title and authority itself existed prior:   In faun mythology, five great lights rise from the mountains surrounding the Dohest Valley and formed a star that hovered over them for eight days and eight nights; this was witnessed, too, by sages from the Haaros in the west. The star then divided once more and the five lights entered five individuals in steads throughout the country, who were then inspired to come together and form the Coku Stead -- an unusually large one for fauns and additionally unusual by merely coming together rather than separating. It was only through the combination of their unique skills (from which the five titles rose) that these five could lead the Coku in defending their home from 'devilry in the wilds' and defeat Kythyk'jun the Mountain-Leaper who led them. Following his defeat, the five were named the Earthborn Star and, in Faun tradition, separated again to form separate -- but nearby -- steads to continue to watch over the area. This myth is known as "The Coku and the Kythyk’jun the Mountain-Leaper".

"Earthly mantle, eyes heavenward."

Founding Date
Government, Leadership
Earthborn Star
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Related Ranks & Titles

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