Rigral (RIG-RAL)

Rigral are a medium-sized fish native to and primarily found in the Eizunuth Well north of Iyr, and make up a notable niche harvest that forms a key export for the country. They are largely solitary but will gather in schools during the Season of Ripening for mating rituals.   Although the vast majority are seen solely in the Well, very rarely they may be found farther downstream in the waters of the Qos or Dakpa Rivers, which contain the comparatively deepest water closest to the Well. Attempts to create domestic farms have proved unsuccessful. As a result, rigral are notable for being one of the first and only species to subject to some degree of conservation efforts.

Basic Information


A streamlined, wedge-shaped fish with three tapered dorsal fins and four expandable, paddle-shaped side fins (with the front pair larger than the rear its tail is twice to three times as long as its body and ends in a slim crescent-shaped fan. Its mouth consists of four hooked, interlocking beaks, and its eyes are set high and to the side and protrude slightly, while two long whiskers protrude from either side of its 'chin'.

Biological Traits

The rigral's scales are diamond-shaped and around 2mm thick, and are larger around the fins and the main body; particularly old specimens' scales may be thicker and curl or notch outward. The membranes of its fins and tail crescent are extremely thin. The whole fish is capable of bioluminescence in shades of green, yellow, and orange, but outside of the mating season it only uses its crescent tail as a lure.    Males are typically larger than females.

Genetics and Reproduction

The mating season is at the warmest part of the Season of Ripening, where the fish rise to the warmer waters to spawn. The mating period lasts for around a week. They rely on the churning provided by the Eizunuth Veil to 'beat' and 'roll' their egg clouds into a protective consistency and density, and on the warmth to encourage the spawn's growth.

Ecology and Habitats

Although adults (and lost juveniles) may be found rarely elsewhere, the vast majority live in the colder depths of the Eizunuth Well, with the fish gradually descending to deeper, colder waters as they age and strengthen.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Rigral meat is seen as a delicacy for its uniquely sweet and peppery flavor, while devout Sehndists -- due to the fish's home being in the 'holy site' of the Eizunuth Well -- will often take the meat (either dried into flakes or fresh) as a sort of sacrament when water-seeking.    Rigral scales, meanwhile, are seen as valuable as semi-precious stones for their beauty and sacred connotations. They are often made into ceremonial or other special-occasion jewelry.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Eizunuth Well, rarely Qos River or Dakpa River.

Average Intelligence

10-15 Years
Conservation Status
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most specimens are seen in shades of deep indigo, violet, and black, or occasionally very dark green/teal. Occasionally an individual will have a paler or white stippling pattern along its sides. Eyes are typically brownish-amber.
Geographic Distribution


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