Turned Shepherds: the Khevaresh (Keh-vah-RESH)

'Khevaresh' is a derogatory term -- a butchered version of the klatuut term khe-val areshea, meaning "beatific poisoner" -- given to Shepherds of Leaving who abuse their empathic abilities. Though no documented precise cases exist in recent memory, the pervasive nature of the lore suggests it is more than a cautionary tale or a rumor seeded in spite. Perhaps out of superstition rather than politeness or academia, Shepherds in particular will sometimes prefer the term 'turned shepherds' or 'the turned' -- though this then implies something greater at work.  
  These range from the unlikely -- 'prematurely heralding a death', 'calling souls out of their bodies' -- to the more realistic -- 'influence the emotions and memories of the living', 'puppet the living'.  
Observable Effects
  Though little more than hearsay, khevaresh using their abilities can sometimes emit what is described as a 'pulse' of strange Ega that does not appear to correspond to either of the three trees, though it is assumed to be a type of Aré. Its purpose is unknown, but it is described as throwing bystanders back or to the ground.   Another piece of lore is that when a khevaresh makes contact with a victim and insodoing immerses themselves in the Ega, violet-black veins appear on the skin of both the khevaresh and the victim.  
Impact of Warlocks, Shadow-Work, and the Discovery of Ba'athorog
  Perhaps unsurprisingly, the rise of shadow-work and warlocks provided new fodder for tales and worries of khevaresh. Additionally, the arrival of Ba'athorog and the unprecedented terror they inflicted had the unfortunate effect of drawing similarities between their abilities. Some even went so far as to suggest that perhaps a Ba'athorog was once a khevaresh, but too little is known of the species and of Azgorach generally for any firm footing to be found.

This article has no secrets.


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