Yeccasphate (YEK-uhs-fate)

Yeccasphate is a coarse compound containing kelaqgux and other minerals, and is used as a smelling-salt. Due to its expense, potency, and rarity, it is usually only seen in use by the House of Leavings by Shepherds of Leaving of Master rank, being given to them by the Eyes upon their promotion.   It consists of grainy, slightly oily, pale pink granules stored in a small airtight container (usually corked vials) in quantities of one to two teaspoons; its effectiveness shelf-life is approximately ten years if used sparingly and stored properly. The kelaqgux gives it its pink tinge and exceedingly potent briny smell. The Shepherd reserves its use for when they or another in their flock has immersed themselves in the Ega too deeply in the course of their duties and are struggling to withdraw.   Its manufacture is carefully overseen, as kelaqgux's importance to the manufacture of outlawed enstreng has meant that all sources of the mineral must be guarded.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine


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