Yerga'renona Iatix (YERR-guh-reh-known-uh EYE-UH-ticks)

Yerga'renona Iatix was  a former Cleric turned insightful alchemist; she was generally regarded with skepticism by other members of the Ustrarian Gild of Craftsmen due to her field of chemistry -- not strictly-speaking a 'craft' -- and her erratic behavior as a result of spending too long working with agokil, with any any remaining respect being given to her due to her past work and high regard from her time as a Cleric.   She took on Devatska Acosaphaura as an apprentice in the Season of Closing on 951AC after seeing the younger girl's experiments with enstreng and together they presented it to the Gild in the Season of Waiting of the same year, which earned Devatska her honorary membership.
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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