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Mudwater Job Board

Excuses Excuses Excuses! The mayor will make excuses as to why the players should not accept any of the quests that they offer to do. The secretary looks happy to stamp any quest and looks pleased that some of the problems might finally be fixed in the town
What to do with a job!
If you accept a job, then take the piece of paper up to the mayor or his secretary, who will stamp it, signifying you have the go-ahead to work on it. (The secretary will explain how it works, it allows you to search anywhere with probable cause)  
Quest 1-3
Missing Items On the board, you see numerous jobs about missing items, some are for small items like necklaces and rings. there seems to be a common factor between them all but you can't figure it out  (Mudwater's Missing Items    Gobline Subjugation This job is about the goblins that have been raiding people that have been coming and going from the town. There seem to be around eight that attack.   Missing Persons As you look at the Job Board you see numerous jobs to find missing people. from the basic info on the job papers it looks like there are three main places where they happen, The Forest-Mudwater, The Abandoned Slums , Mudwater West Gate (Once players get it stamped, the secretary will let them know they should probably talk to the person who posted the missing persons on the board to get more info)

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