The Abyssal Marches

The Abyssal Marches is Bael's fledgling kingdom formed after consolidating his assets after his ousting from Lamashtu's Demon Army.


The country's government is an Autocracy led by Bael. Bael has council made of military generals, prominent merchants and craftsmen, and a representative of the Fey that holds no real power, but offers counsel and status updates on their respective areas of concern.

Public Agenda

Bael wishes to form his own nation under his control and gain worshipers to ascend to godhood.


This organization was formed by Bael after he was ousted from Lamashtu's demon army invading from the Worldwound. Bael has taken control of ruins in the Wolfcrags rebuilding it into his capital city of Heilrune. Operating out of this city he has captured multiple towns and territory in the area as well as negotiating a treaty with the Fey of Shudder Wood.
Founding Date
20 Abadius 4708
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of Government


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