Murgul's Mountains Geographic Location in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

Murgul's Mountains

A large mountain range spanning the center of the explored area of the Eastern Territories.


High mountains dividing the landscape into two distinct lowland areas.

Localized Phenomena

Occasional caves are present in the mountains that the Golden Empire has been permitted to explore. Mapping the caves has proven difficult, as cartographers swear that discovered caves disappear and explored areas suddenly contain new caves.


Cold at the summit, winds coming down the mountains move westward and provide moisture that allows for strong rain.

Fauna & Flora

Mountainous animals such as goats, mule deer, rabbits, small mammals (marmots, rats, etc.) and quail.   Bobcats and eagles make up the majority of predators, with the occasional cave-dwelling bear.

Natural Resources

Various metals, gems, and minerals.


Discovered by the Golden Empire during an eastward push, Murgul's Mountains provide both a barrier and a prime opportunity for new resources. After passing through and establishing themselves east of the mountains, the Empire began large scale mining efforts across the range. Not even a year passed before a force of Dwarves appeared and demanded the Empire men leave. Not taking kindly to threats, the Empire moved all available forces to the mountains. This started the nearly five decade long Mountain War.
Mountain Range
Included Locations


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