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Citadel of the Archduke

The magnificent Citadel of the Archduke shoots up from the jagged cliffs of Overlord Island to the South West. The Rainbow Palace that forms the centre-piece of the Citadel appears shimmering like the mirage of a treasured dream. Almost a city in itself the Rainbow Palace is a sprawling forest of soaring towers and minarets, gleaming domes and slender spires, each one glaze painted a different colour of the rainbow, shining like jewels in the afternoon sunlight. A sweeping arch spans the gap between Overlord Isle and the imposing fortress that houses his personal guard on the adjacent Isle. This stout keep rises high above sheer cliffs that taper rapidly to the crashing surf below. The grim walls seem to be hewn from the same brute rock as the island. The great beacon lights in their high towers stand sentinel, one to the south and one to the north. They shine day and night as a warning to shipping without recourse to fuel.   There is rumour that Rivis Rightby, the famous swordsmith, is being held here by the Archduke, either willingly or not.
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
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