History of the Empire

This is the history of the human empire, starting when its emperor first revealed himself.

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    The Revelation of the Emperor
    Political event

    The Emperor reveals himself to the nobility of Sancterr by taking over the former duchy of Lancastle with the help of an elite team of mages wholly loyal to him. The nobles don’t take him too seriously, some moving to reinstate the duke.

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    The Great Conquest
    Military action

    The Emperor used his extraordinary cunning and powerful mages to take over Sancterr over the course of only half a century. It didn't hurt that the feudal kingdoms that dominated the continent were slow to react and even slower to band together against a common threat.

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    The Defeat of King Herrin at the hands of the Emperor
    Military action

    The Emperor marches on King Herrin's capital of Endsmouth after winning a pitched battle despite being outnumbered 5 to 1 of which King Herrin was a casualty. The nobles now take the Emperor for the threat he is.

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    The Emperor Triumphant
    Political event

    The Emperor has completed his conquest of Sancterr. He now stands as its sole master, and retreats to his capital of Medeitas.

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    Discovery of Orcuterr and Glaciterr
    Discovery, Exploration

    Orcuterr and Glaciterr are discovered in quick succession of each other. While the latter seems utterly barren there seems to be potential in the former, and two colonisation efforts are launched.

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    Colonisation of Orcuterr Fails
    Disaster / Destruction

    The colonisation of Orcuterr ends in abject failure as its nightmarish inhabitants make living there nigh impossible. One colony is abandoned while another is destroyed.

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    Discovery of Caloterr
    Discovery, Exploration

    An explorer by the name of Fernand Ypperditch returns after discovering the continent of Caloterr. An Imperial Decree is sent out: those who conquer this new land can keep it, potentially becoming landed nobles.

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    Founding of Firstport

    Firstport is founded by Duke Herrin of Leeland with the help of the Imperial army and Third Prince Haebelian.

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    First Invasion Ends
    Military action

    The Cyclopses have been fully driven back to their jungle after putting up a stiff resistance. Diplomatic contact has been made with the Nagas and the seclusive Oplets have been discovered. Four other settlements have been founded during this time.

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    Fall of Theodore Lochwood
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Theodore Lochwood is outed by his enemies and sent to Firstport's insane asylum.

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    Internment of Mapes
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Mapes Irulan is discovered wandering the colonies, cleaning everything she sees. She’s admitted to Firstport's insane asylum. Due to its frequent use to store politically inconvenient individuals, it’s full over the point of capacity, and as such some patients now share rooms.