
"Whereas the King has command of the law, the submission of the military. Our dear Sage, the Sage enthralls the masses. The hammer strike to shape the iron will of the people in the heat of war. The anvil the battlefield, the final piece being theirs to decide."


Extraordinarily skilled in magic or an exceptional capacity to learn. Must also have demonstrated, without ever being asked, a willingness to help the general population (often in the form of some type of community engagement or service).


The Title of Sage can only be given by another Sage. In a ceremony where the Big hat the Sage wears is given to the next Sage to shield the world from harm with the mind. Often an extremely public event, held with many days of parties, feasts, parades, and other festivities. Where the public makes it known their support of the new Sage.
This is by no means an easy appointment to be made. The Sage must choose a candidate that has earned the love of the people nearly unanimously. They must be a symbol of hope, an example to follow to hell and back. A pedigree few will ever earn in a hundred lifetimes, though many have been chosen, they are all loved by the people.


  • To search out any and all information that could potentially be useful to the Government and Military.
  • To continuously better the lives of the population in any way possible.
  • Hunt down any foul elements lurking within the City of Huron. No target is too big or powerful to escape the Ire of the Sage.
  • Continuously research and expand their own minds to more and increasingly abstract possibilities.
  • Maintain a vast communications network of informants and Support.
  • Maintain the Order within the University of Huron. Ensuring academic success of their students.
  • Ensure that tasks are delegated properly within the Campus.
  • Seek out potential Sages within the States of Huron, and beyond.


Unparalleled access to information. No one position in the entirety of the Great Tree holds the same level of respect and austerity. Inside enemy territory they are treated with the same respect as a Visiting King, given the same access to information as a close ally. Nothing is withheld from them, nothing is held against them.
The Sage is known as a magnanimous position inside every territory and country, being seen as an agent of change. Should any benefit arise out of the questions of the Sage, the positive effect eventually makes its way back to the source of the information in a fairly quick time frame.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death is the only dismissal the Sage can receive. Once given the rank, you can never forfeit it. Or should one say, the people would never allow one to forfeit it.
Civic, Professional
Form of Address
Sage, Big Hat, Prime Academic
Equates to
A Sage exists outside the purview of both General in High Command of the Huronian Military as well as the Monarch, ranking the same as both. While the Sage holds no law making or Judicial Authority, they are involved in both. Often as an Advisor to policy as well as execution to the Judicial aspects of the Law.
As for a Military Presence, the Sage stands apart. In times of great need the Prime Academic will be called upon to aid the military. The most Recent example of this being The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule participating in the Battle of Huron where she was elevated to the rank of Sage in the aftermath of the war, being given the rank by Old Sage: Atrimir Schafer.
That being said, the Sage has no authority to command the Military, but again acts as an advisor. Highly respected for the amount of information as well as an outside perspective, they are so highly respected by the general population of Huron, they effectively have the Command of the People. Should the Sage ask, the People will respond without remorse or regret.
Source of Authority
Sourced only from the previous Sage
Length of Term
Lifetime term
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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Aug 21, 2024 13:26 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article with cute sketches.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 24, 2024 03:01

I'm glad you found it interesting, I debated a while on how to make this role unique. Arch Mage? Too common. Dumbledor archtype? Overdone. Wandering problem solver? I liked it more! Also thanks for checking out the insta page, that one is somewhat neglected on my part. I need to be more consistent there too.

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Aug 25, 2024 10:49 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

no worries about being consistent on social media, but much success with whatever you end up doing! I know it all can be a lot to keep up with and I'm definitely guilty of neglecting things like that myself ';D