The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule Character in The Great Tree | World Anvil

The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule

Sage, Heroine Emily Von Eule (a.k.a. The little songbird)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her childhood was brought up in a modest luxury of the minor noble house of Von Eule. A small-time mining baron was gifted land from the King in the early 840's. Where the mines would produce iron and copper for the City and surrounding areas. Their operation was a small time venture however, holding only a certain amount of power and influence in the court.
Though the Von Eule were considered nobles, they may as well have been only slightly better off than their servants and workers. This did not stop Emily's father Hinrich Von Eule from doting on his only child. Emily was born small, thin framed and had little constitution to be working alongside the mining operations.
Thus, she spent much of her time in her Father’s study as well as accompanying him when he visited the courts. More for making a public appearance than anything of weight, they were always noted when the rounds for the courts were made, but never spoken to all that much. Though Emily and her Father were always treated fairly as Hinrich's forefathers were given the land to operate on, a small city had formed around the mine, which he governed.
He ran the city similar to the mine, and the people saw no issue with him and his governance. His laws were fair, he tried to keep taxes to only what the Courts demanded. Being known as the Commoners Nobleman, people rarely ever saw him living lavishly, except for whatever Emily had wanted. She had an extensive library, as well as a small laboratory experimenting with chemistry. Neither of them faced the ill will of the citizens, for there was nothing to be upset about, beyond a Family trying to raise their child up from their own modest life to something greater.
In her late teens she began producing medicine to give out to the people if they brought her the materials. She would distill or synthesize them for free, improving their effectiveness or shelf life. She also began teaching how to do this to the other townsfolk as well, the local apothecary was besotted with her willingness to help the small town, even if in a small way.
Her father had pulled on the few strings he had available to him in the Courts to send Emily off to the University In Huron. Where he had set her up quite near the Palatial grounds to begin her studies. Where she first attempted to begin studying Chemistry and Alchemy. She would excel in the field, however would soon grow bored of the study.
Though her marks and work were noted by the University itself. She had been able to synthesize a vast quantity of reagents and Alchemical components for the Artificers in the Shipyards and for a wanderer named You Khamere. A Gnome that had a penchant for tinkering with steam power and energy. Unbeknownst to her, she had begun setting up her ties with the The Forgehouse as Khamere would call her a close friend in later years.
As the University watched her rise in notoriety. She would send letters back to her home about the various awards she was trying to earn, or the grades she had received in exams. Where her father would shower her in praise and urge her to pursue whatever field of study she wanted in the city, anything that would come back to the small family would be nice, but he didn't want to pressure her into an entrepreneurial lifestyle if she didn't want to.
Being sent to the city in her eyes, after having spent the majority of her childhood watching her father be ignored by the other Noble Houses, was a way for the House to receive the much needed notoriety. More influence would allow her Father more access to the treasury, which would only help the small mining town. Oblivious to the fact that the University had been watching her rise in success.
She was attending a lecture on magic and the ambient flow of energy through the air, when the door to the lecture hall burst open. A small coterie of Guards walked in to stand in the aisles between the desks, held at a stiff attention. When Atrimir Schafer the current Sage of Huron walked in with the Dean of the University. They were chatting amicably as they walked toward the Professor giving the lecture.
Here, Atrimir would ask if Emily Von Eule was in attendance today. All heads turned toward her, the Professor pointing the center of attention out to the Sage. To whom with a flourish of his long cloak, and a formal bow as he whipped his big hat off, addressed Emily directly.
"I have been told much about your work Miss Von Eule. You work in your hometown, as well as continued work for the Artificers in the City's shipyards. I was Contacted by the Forgemaster of Galus to look into you. I would like to offer you a place to learn by my side as an Acolyte, worthy of an opportunity to step into my role eventually."
Atrimir had brought Emily everywhere with him; exploratory expeditions to crumbling ruins dotted across Huron, little contacted Tribes living in the Northern wastes skin of stone caved in flowing script, the silk traders of the Rhomaican Caliphate, the Isle of Mhuzelt and it's esoteric faith and dominance over the population, she met the Dwarves and was allowed to see the City of Mhuzchet and it's breathtaking scale of underground caverns and walls.
She was whisked away to far off islands to the far east beyond the reach of the Pelagian Break Waters in search of a rare herb that Atrimir was curious if it could actually cure a wasting disease an acquaintance of his had. She was brought forth to the Wayfares Guild and met the God's Eye's, their knowledge of the arcane and time profound beyond her comprehension. She danced in Rhomacian Citadels in the Song of Bhal, brushed shoulders with Sultans of foreign lands.
Drank deep from the font of knowledge that was the Galus royal archives, drank deeper still from the vast vineyards of Port De Renard. Slowly but surely edging herself to become a cosmic conversationalist. A seer beyond the realm of anything ever known, interconnection the lifeblood of the Sage. Atrimir had stopped at nothing to show her magic, the various ways it could be used. The possibilities that it all held.
Here she had learned that she had a Talent for the realm of Air, not quite a Domain, but she was powerful. When she had first heard of magic, she thought very little of beyond its practical use. Little did she know that power ebbed and flowed like an endless tide, there were things in this world made the soul shudder. She whiled away their travels endlessly discussing things, any topic on the table. Nothing considered heretical, nothing profane, nothing sacred, it was all available for her to learn from.
When the topic of conduits of power had appeared one day, Emily had been moving clouds and thunderheads out of boredom on the hot dusty plains east of the Central mountains beyond the Valley of Mists. Atrimir had been speaking with a wandering Caster, and how they had thought there was an Archon Stone buried beneath one of the craters that dotted the landscape.
After this discussion, Emily had voiced one of the few concerns she had in her travels with the Old Sage. She had always believed that the stones were an evil thing. The Faith her family and hometown followed, the Sorority of Azu as well as the Forbearance of Koroth both spoke of the stones as being a vector for darkness. To which Atrimir responded, "An odd thing that, I had used a stone once. During one of the retreats of the War that wages to the south of us, it was... a unique experience. I was able to use an unfathomable amount of power to save the lives of countless soldiers by bringing down the side of a mountain. Do you think me evil for using something useful in a time of need for the benefit of many?"
She remained torn on the issue. Unsure of how she felt about it, at least until they were called back to the City of Huron in its defense. The Calphiti-Fedro war had come knocking on the city gates, a toothy grin of a back alley thug with a pipe to demand its submission. Here, Emily would watch her own family slowly suffer under the reality of a City laid siege upon. The people suffered, the military suffered, she suffered.
As vanguards raided the flanks of the Caliphates army to try and whittle it down, many were not spared the wrath of the Sultan. Fewer and fewer soldiers returned, morale was low, the city close to breaking. The Caliphate knew it, and while they fought a war on multiple fronts, they were still strong. The Caliphate had decided to rush the city and attempt to tear their gates down in the Year of Pride 1211. Here, Emily was given a Stone by the King to defend the city as Atrimir had been crippled during the fighting and was unable to do so. The King begged her to save his city, her city, her home, her family.
As she used the stone a strange woman appeared before her, indistinct. Yet there, warm and welcoming, a teacher and mother like she never knew before. This interaction would worm its way into her mind, to hang up curtains and call itself home. After the interaction, she had a much more profound understanding of magic, its inner workings.
When the battle was done, she awoke in a military hospital inside the Temple to Azu. The innocence shattering reality of a war crashing down on her. Over the course of the next few days she was given a chance to reflect and ponder about a great many things. She had always considered herself as Atrimir's student. Now he was roaming the city confined to a wheelchair. She thought back to the help she gave to her hometown. The smiling faces of those she assisted. The interactions and liaisons into the wider world. She wondered, "when did I become important?"
The weight of it all came down on her not like a falling anvil, but like a cloak made of lead. She was given the same rank as her teacher, she was the Heroine of Huron, the Great Sage of the east, the Sage of Huron. Suddenly, all those lessons Atrimir had taught her, felt all too real now. Their point making them blindingly obvious.
As she took the mantle of Sage, in the peacetime following the War, she began her steadfast study into the Stones. Who was that woman? She also embraced her role as the Sage to it's fullest degree, seeing now the potential she had to do some good in this world.
No longer the earnest student, the wallflower bookworm that enjoyed listening to others talk. She would be the one speaking now, she would be the one everyone looked to. She would be the light in the dark following the War, the banner that the people followed.
She would later set up steadfast contacts with Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves as well King Halgier, Gerdhal and the Rhojic. She would also set up a vast information network with the Wayfares Guild and maintain an exceptional relationship with The Forgehouse. Keeping political ties open with Galus and Baron of Glaion Lucas Berthelot, as well as the Theocracy of the Isle of Mhuzelt. By and large she has become one of the most well connected people on the Continent, right next to Salandrahth.


Raised under the teachings of a minor court noble. She was taught from a young age, etiquette and court hierarchy. With a fundamental understanding of politics and how they interplay between the various countries.
Taught under the care of the University of Huron in the years before the Fedro-Calphiti War. She was taught magic in the classical sense, meaning she learned basic control and impact. Though she was a true prodigy at her ability for control, earning her the attention of the current Sage of Huron: Atrimir Schafer. Impressed with the young caster out of a large pool of Alumni to the University, she demonstrated a certain few abilities that the Sage was hunting for.
She was then taught under the Sage. The Old Sage: Atrimir Schafer and she discovered she has quite the talent for Air, and atmospheric manipulation. Gaining her training personally from Atrimir, she learned quickly, and earned herself a place by the Sage's side over the years.
From the Point of the Battle of Huron, she earned herself the rank of Sage by the king, a rare instance in the kingdom where there were two active Sage roles. At this point she was put through the basic training, to at least understand the military structure.
Though at this point, and her use of an Archon Stone to turn the tide of war. A nagging question has never quite left her mind; Who was that woman that appeared for her? Why was it an archon stone, something held profane by the people of Huron, so powerful? From this point on, after gaining the trust of the King, she earned the title: Heroine of Huron. She was also given full access to the military's full breadth of information. Top secret and mundane, given all the information regarding political maneuvers and the reasons behind them.
Her lasting treasure however would be access to The Lamp of Ignation before it was stolen by a thief. With this she was able to negotiate her way into the Archives of the Kingdom Of Galus locked beneath the Palatial grounds of the City of Glaion. Becoming considered the master of all things arcane for the world, her knowledge of the Great Tree is transcendent, being equaled only by the God's Eye's.


Technically speaking, she is employed by the Huronian Government. Though she is not beholden to the King's wishes or demands, she is more or less a rogue agent with the best interest of Huron at heart. She acts predominantly as an Advisor to the King and Military on Arcane matters. Though she will give political insight into various difficult situations, having talked their way out of more battles than not. Having pushed the political agenda of the king to a more favorable light with the people of the Country due to her involvement at all.
Her actual job is self given. She hunts down any and all information that comes to her interest. She is a researcher and experimenter, she would call herself a scholar and scientist. While the rest of the kingdom sees her still as a Battlemage bent on pursuing some esoteric goal. Currently, she is gathering Archon Stones from the Dwarven Wandering States to experiment further with, while trying to avoid the same pitfalls with some more weighty stones as happened in Archon Stone: Memory and Astral Magicks.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aside from gaining the Rank of Sage, she is quite proud of her status of being the Heroine of Huron. However, she isn't as proud of that as she is some lesser known achievements and breakthroughs that many of the Country are not even aware of for the most part.
The first being that she had reestablished the college of Welford for what their main mission statement to be. She had forced the head of the priests to begin following the ideas of Charity and Health that their "god" claimed to preach. She had caught the ring of priests engaged in what could really only be called an extortion racket of the most vulnerable citizens of the Kingdom. Threatening them with annihilation, she forced the air in their lungs to still, until they told her every last piece of information that had.  
After this event, all these debts to the College were forgiven. These students and victims were released from a financial bondage that kept them as indentured servitude to the Faith. She had taken control of the core of the organization long enough to replace and "misplace" the current regime, with more candidats with sympathies that actually aligned with the faith's teaching. Leading to the College to function as a Continent wide bastion of medicine and learning.
Another notch in her belt would be that of instilling a much higher sense of honor inside the military. Overtime, as Huron progressed the people became increasingly dependent on the military for almost all facets of life. From distribution of food to education to public service work, the military had a hand in it all. While the Generals were beholden to the king, the long arm of the law acted differently on the military. Overlooking issues and subtle abuses of power.
While she didn't directly hold sway over the soldiers, her status as Heroine had caused a string of copycat behavior in the ranks. Her, mostly, modest upbringing coming from a very minor noble house of the court held very little difference between her and the common man. For her to rise in the ranks of good faith and aptitude, gave reason for those on the knife's edge to follow an example. Through her tireless pursuit to benefit her country as well as still following her own agenda, she became an icon to the lowest ranks of the expansive military.
This had the effect of the soldiers and civil servants beginning to question their Superiors and their decisions. While not insubordinate, the attitude shift was more than noticeable for the brass. When they invariably retaliated to this behavior of their ranks, the King was forced to step in as well as the courts. Emily being held as a well respected advisor, was called on for advice and stood as a moral pedestal for the Citizens to look to. Much of the Abuses of power were acknowledged, and the Military became more of what they were supposed to be in the pseudo-police state. The threat of uprising at continued corruption was quickly expunged as more and more cases came to light.

Mental Trauma

We see with eyes, hearts to feel, ears to listen, hands to touch to the world. Yet all this, we seem to have some kind of apathy to the world around us. A detached sense of irony that only grows stronger as time goes on. I too felt the nihilistic touch of modernity, as more and more grows obsolete, as more of our values are washed away in the sands of time. To me, to us all, we still have these tools with us, yet we don't use them. Only when death came knocking at our doors, do we look back at the things we have built, the legacies we have crafted.   Young, nieve. A simple girl I was, only pursuing the knowledge for the accolades I would earn. A bookworm, a self fascinated historian I was. When the Caliphate came to beat their doom drum on the gates of our city did I realize it was for nothing. The shock and awe I felt as the vibrations of their siege engines wracked out walls, did I truly feel the lifeblood in my body. Not out of bloodlust, but the feeling of mortality. I stood frozen in fear, a choice to make, an opportunity given to me as the King held that Stone out for me.   I was my Teacher's prized student, I was the King's Jewel of power. I was the City's Daughter. But what were these things if it would mean less to the Caliphate as a body on the floor? I'm unsure, I felt that suddenly there were things worth protecting in this world. My countrymen, those unable to stand and fight, those who were trapped in the city with us. Was I really unaware of the life around me all this time? Was I really ignorant of the small amount of power I held? A bite of an ant is a small thing, but what of the whole colony? A nest enraged, could do many things.   Something in me broke that day. In that moment, it was simple choice. A simple task. Use the Stone, use what I knew how to do. But, a breaking of innocence is something that isn't taken lightly. Only after the battle, only after the war was over, did I fall to me knees and weep. Only after the horror had faded, did I allow the wounds to cauterize, but never heal. I had lost something, gained more. The idea that my comfortable life was over, only to be replaced by an unending duty. To the idea that that this ant, could make a change that would benefit all. Me, someone of no great renown, be given such a task. I still feel... lost.
Current Status
Hunting down information on the Archon Stones
Current Location
Current Residence
Huronian Royal Archives
Dark Green
Long windblown White, though almost always kept in a tight bun hidden under a wide hat.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Olive Skinned, Smattering of freckles along the shoulders.
No Trust in the Gods
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Formal Galacian, Namoux, Calphiti
Appears in...
"No, do not ask me again Priest. I do not trust Xelex, nor any of those other Things you people call gods. Tell you what, spend a few years with me, so I can explain the reason why the Stones have told me this much. Go ahead Priest, tell me I am wrong again."

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