The Original Shadow

A fifth to our fourth, a beat off key   A discordant effrontery of a grace unbound   Ignorant of creation, the bell cracked and weathered   Antithesis personified, to aid in those you sought to emulate     You were told, commanded, to stop   You did not, you ardently staked claim that that which was not your own   A child to our authority, a usurper to a throne which burned at your touch   Only did you wish to join us, not understanding the folly of that goal     Create you cannot, only change   Mimic you can do, only by trial and error   Plagiarize the concepts yourself, an original you are not   Enthusiasm unbound, a fool given dangerous tools     "Only now after the fallout of it all, do I know your intention far too late. I am sorry we did not extend a hand, you must understand the wrongness of your actions and her reaction to them. I know now that you had only wanted to join us, and I am sorry." -Alnya lamenting in The Elsewhere to the shrine of The Forgotten Family, laid before the crystal pools of the Cathedral.

Divine Domains

Change, Metamorphosis, Entropy.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To build upon the Quartet and their creations. To smooth out the rough lines built into the weave of fate and the constant tonality of creation itself. To reach the purest state of perfection for the Quartet's Creations. I cannot make, I can only change. I wish to aid, though cannot. I wish to cherish but am scorned.
I wish to make myself whole again, I want you to make me whole again. Fragments of my mind, swirled and congealed into an amalgam of discordant processes. From Sixteen Eye, I see the beauty that Quartet has made. To breath again, through only only a single chest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I saw her, a beauty. I awoke to see a world filled with life and light, my mind quickly filling out as my energy grew. I saw my power change the world around me, though I did not want to spoil the grace I walked upon. My touch withered away the life about me, warped them to an unknown idea inside my idea. Millions of changes to make, perfect, to equalize.
Plans I had made, to have my voice heard. Hear me gods, answer me. I will not be ignored! No, forceful, harsh. My voice, a broken harp string to this sonnet, not what I wanted. I wanted to help, not destroy, command. I Needed to reel back the force of my call, but I overthought my intentions.
I had seen one of her Children, half formed, brimming with her divine energy. A sculpture made in her image, a beautiful marionette for her to life vicariously through. I could feel it, she had wanted them to be like her, autonomous of her power. Little gods she had made, nearly perfect. Nearly.
I took hold of that child's soul, fine tuning to do what She had intended. The Child looked at me, not understanding. Screamed, a reality shaking noise has The Great Mother descended from her throne of Stars. Fury in her voice, she commanded me to undo what I had done.
I couldn't, the Child's scream made me falter. I erred. Her soul changed beyond belief, unable to change her back to her original. Though I tried, Vilorlith, her countenance growing pale. I tried, and tried and tried, only making her soul darker, more warped and broken.
The last thing I remember is my mind breaking. Separate but whole. The scattered pieces of my mind in unison answering for me. "How dare she." Each piece reaching into my wellspring of power and divinity, and taking it for their own. Waring inside my mind, torn apart. I am sorry, they are not. Those sins made present, those desires given voice. Mind reborn Eightfold, angry, twisted mockeries of my own intention.
They started a war with you I never wanted. A war they would win, a war I would lament. I never wanted this, I had wanted to join you.
Current Status
Here, everywhere, nowhere, always was, always will be, never was.
Circumstances of Death
Toying with the soul of one of The Great Mother's children. Vilorlith ripped the Shadow to Eight Pieces, after being unable to purge the corruption from her Child's soul.
Place of Death
Death is an abstract concept for a god. Weakened, torn to eight pieces and cast to the furthest corners of the Universe? A Rebirth.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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Jul 14, 2024 17:38 by Alan Byers

A sad story, beautifully written.

Jul 16, 2024 04:44

Thank you! True a sad story, the wheel turns for all, only to be spun again. Is the Villain the one you has turned the wheel, or the one being turned?

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Aug 25, 2024 22:33 by Mardrena Lockehart

Very interesting take on the category. The sketch is simple but conveys YOUR vision far better than anything else. Forces of darkness decided to FAFO...

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
Aug 25, 2024 23:32

I wanted to play with the theme of unintended consequence for the Shadow. I like the idea that the villan is a matter of perspective, who is wrong here? Vilorlith for ripping it apart and spawning the drum beat of their doom? Or the Shadow for playing with forces it didn't understand?

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Aug 25, 2024 23:42 by Mardrena Lockehart

Another interesting detail is because the creator god kept demanding he undo his work, if she's so powerful how come SHE didn't undo the damage herself, similar how Eru Illuvatar kept negating Melkor's Discordant Themes. So either the darkness is alot stronger than realized or the creator god isn't as powerful as she presents.

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
Aug 25, 2024 23:49

You have single handedly made the biggest point I was trying to make! Without being spoilery for the world as it goes on. Try as they might, change is inevitable, perfection impossible! You are my new favorite person right now

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...