
As seen in

(a.k.a. The Great Mother)

Divine Domains

  • Cosmos
  • Constellations
  • Family
  • Interconnection
  • Compassion
  • Love
  • Plane of Air
  • Plane of Earth


Holy Books & Codes

Unknown, Lost faith

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Current Goal: To breath again

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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The void was lonely, so I was alone. Pressure felt in nothing. Then there were more. Formless, just as eternal. Together we were four, the impact of the force creation. The void was not empty, but our canvas to make of it our desires. I sung and thus was sound. My voice echoing out into the void, and there were other voices given sound. I breathed and thus was air, filling our void with the material to create our worlds.
I waved my hand through the air, stars coalescing in the endless wind. The sister breathing fire into the world, burning the stars and illuminated the darkness. The brother pressed his hands together and made earth. The other sister feeling a need for closeness, applied force to the earth and stars and pulled.
Our first worlds given form, we deemed them uninspired, and brother wept. Filling our worlds with water, and this gave sister an idea. She arranged the worlds, and gave order to the creation. I breathed life into this world, we watched, and thus came my children as my sister too breathed life into our world. Thus arose the flora to feed my children. My sister inspired gave the children minds to think with, to challenge, to engage. And I was happy, oh so happy.
My sister too wanted her own children and breathed again and arose her children in great forests, carried aloft the air as I created the sky for them to play. And she too was happy.
My brother wanting his own children, forced the waters to condense and arose his children. Smitten with my song, he gave this to them. And he too was happy.
My final sister, she took two of our children and made a new a new child. She instilled in them judgment and wisdom and made them beautiful. We barrowed the power of the four, and gave to our children a world in which they would be happy. We made them beautiful, we made them wise, we made them powerful.
My children like me, spirits of great love, families of unbreakable bonds. I gave them my voice to commune, my power in which to interact with the world we had made, and breathed magic into their bones. I gave myself the form I had given them, for I was so amused by it, and I walked among them.
Joyous was the feeling of warmth on my skin, glorious was the power of the wind through my hair. And I fashioned myself a smile that could not be broken, and thus my children were happy. My siblings did as I did, and walked among their children. Fore the joy they saw upon my countenance they could not deny me.
I would not allow the depths of the night to blind my children, I would not allow my children to feel lonely, I would not allow my children to feel sorrow. I would guide my children to live their lives, and to live them to be happy. To seek beauty and truth, I would not deny them.
As time marched forward, our children formed new emotions as we worked to complete our worlds. We had encouraged them to blossom, we had encouraged them to speak. For we loved our children, and we would grow with them.
Out of the darkness came the Shadow. Our children's thoughts given form. The Shadow, formless like we were, only their darkness corrupted our creations. Changed them, as a spoiled child is denied a plaything. Stole our work, robbed the children we had worked oh so on, and made them doubt us.
One Shadow stepped forward and stole my children. The shriek I uttered echoed into eternity and shattered the worlds we had made. The fractures condensed into endless slivers parallel to the next. Only slightly different. The Shadows would not let go, and permeated into the shattered worlds. My brother and sisters came to my aid, as this Shadow stole their children as well.
Brother had crushed the shadows together and forced their spread to cease. The darkness held at bay, as sister sealed away their influence. Only it had failed. The shadow had reached out and stole my heart, my voice fell silent. My blood fell away and watered the worlds, and solidified poisonous. The Shadows lapping up my blood like the ravenous beasts they were and they grew in power.
I felt small, I felt weak, and I felt lonely again. I had failed my children, and they were not happy and I was not happy. I could do nothing to stop the Shadows as they consumed me. My brother rushed to my aid and he too fell, as they had grown fat from my blood. When my sister acted, she acted too late as they broke free from my brothers grasp and followed our children down the tree of the shattered world.
And we were consumed by their shadow. And we lost our children to their touch. And we lost our worlds to their touch. Only my Sister remained as she had fled with her children and those she could grab of ours. Her tears sealing away the branches of the shattered world. She had screamed out into the void and burned away the branch she fled to. And uttered a curse that no shadow may speak or hear the names of her siblings.
The Shadows then forged our children anew, as they were dying without us. Corrupting them, and they would never be healed from the damage the Shadows had wrought. We were cast a drift. My sister and brother, holding tightly to me, as our minds wandered away. We followed the Shadows, unable to intervene without the power we had lost. I had erred. And we could not speak... We were forgotten by the Shadows, and left alone to wander our broken world.
Our minds decayed, and we were left to wander. We occasionally found our children again, but we could not speak. We fell deeper into the darkness, our minds not able to process. I felt alone. I could not see my family anymore. I was only me.
  Only me, Only me, Only me...

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

She has a penchant for wrapping her tail around anyone she speaks to. Though this seems to be more of her nature as she is the literal incarnation of closeness, intimacy in all its forms as well as camaraderie and family.
"Another sitting to my left, looking like she was one of my people. Only she had soft tan skin, and long ears that hung past her knees. She stared back at me with the deepest purple eyes, as if the clearest night sky were given form. She smiled sweetly at me, with a kindness I would never understand. She flicked her tail out and wrapped it around my waist. It didn't feel awkward, more like a sister holding my hand."
-An excerpt from the recounting of the Gods before the Dawn of Truths. The High Priestess of the Skullbrood Clan was one of the extremely few mortals able to witness the gods true forms after the fracturing event in the beginning. This was not gathered easily from the Priestess as this was witnessed during a terrible and traumatic event during one of the goblins religions ceremonies. The priestess was one of the few goblins, in any historical account going as far back as we could search, that had met the original gods.
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This caused a theological uprising for decades after the original documents were released to the Churches of the Pantheon. Caused even more dissent as it became aware that the current pantheon exists off the suffering original creators. Much religious doctrine has been revised if not outright rescinded, due to the implications of this information. The gods play an active hand in the world of mortals, apparently not by choice... Master Healer James Klink of the Welkford Godship in service to the Baron of Glaion, Lucas Berthelot.
Divine Classification
True God
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Current Residence
Endless, The Color of A Clear Night Sky
Medium Dark Green, tipped in metallic tones of pink, white, red, and blue, tropical flowers growing from the hair itself
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Voided, the same patterning as the night skies. Chooses to drape herself in a very light tan skin when speaking with her Children.
From Nightmares and Dreams
Referenced in:  
  • Song's Afterglow

Articles under Vilorlith

Character Portrait image: Moment of Creation by Thereasonwhy


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Jun 15, 2024 05:59

I have a character I think a lot about too. His name is Sprizen Akkamara.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Jun 18, 2024 02:02

I think we all have at least one or two that just never really seem to be able to get out of our minds! I'll have to go take a look at Sprizen though!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 18, 2024 03:19

Agreed, and thanks!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16