Half-Orcs Species in The Greenwold | World Anvil
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Nearly all orcs come from the snowy slopes and pine forests of the Highland Reaches. As such, most half-orcs come can be found in the north of the Greenwold. Orc hordes haven’t been a threat to the Greenwold in many generations, and half-orcs, while uncommon, are not treated with undue derision. The highest concentrations of half-orcs can be found in Stonefast, where they work along- side their human compatriots. Dwarves are slow to forget a grudge, however, and tales of the brutal Dwarf-Orc Wars of old are still told. Tensions exist between the two races in the city, and Stonefast continues to reckon with its history.   Outside of the Greenwold, the highest number of half-orcs can be found in Blackrift, though they (along with hobgoblins) are widely marginalized.


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