Gnomelander Ethnicity in The Ground | World Anvil
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Gnomelanders are a unique and vibrant ethnic group inhabiting The Gnomelands, a series of floating islands suspended high above the land. Known for their ingenuity, creativity, and close-knit community, Gnomelanders have a rich cultural heritage that is deeply rooted in innovation, tradition, and cooperation.

One of the defining characteristics of Gnomelanders is their mastery of mechanical technology. They are renowned for their expertise in engineering, invention, and craftsmanship, with a long history of creating intricate mechanical contraptions, gadgets, and inventions. Gnomelanders take great pride in their technological advancements, which have propelled them to the forefront of mechanical innovation in the known world.

Community and solidarity are core values within Gnomelander culture. Gnomelanders place a strong emphasis on cooperation, mutual support, and collective responsibility, believing that working together as a community is essential for the well-being and prosperity of all. They have a deep sense of belonging and connection to their fellow Gnomelanders, fostering tight-knit social bonds and strong interpersonal relationships.

Creativity and expression are highly valued within Gnomelander culture. Gnomelanders are encouraged to explore their creativity, experiment with new ideas, and express themselves through art, music, and invention. They celebrate individuality and diversity, embracing the unique talents and perspectives of each member of their community.

Overall, Gnomelanders are a dynamic and resilient ethnic group with a rich cultural heritage rooted in innovation, tradition, and community. Through their ingenuity, creativity, and spirit of cooperation, Gnomelanders continue to thrive and flourish in The Gnomelands, leaving a lasting legacy of mechanical mastery and cultural richness for generations to come.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Abi, Emili, Firori, Jessi, Raina, Lexi, Lexus, Lyra, Milli, Missi, Misti, Natali, Roxi, Sasha, Tinkabell (1)

Masculine names

Dash, Jasper (1), Laz, Loki, Micki, Milo, Pluto, Quill, Scooby (1), Tavi

Family names

Bergmann, Hübscher, Kleinert, Müller, Steinhauer, Tobler, Wispel, Zürcher


Bergstern, Glimmer


Shared customary codes and values

Community Solidarity

Gnomelanders place a high value on community solidarity and mutual support. They believe in the importance of coming together as a community to help and uplift one another in times of need, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among all members of society.

Innovation and Creativity

Gnomelanders celebrate innovation and creativity as essential values in their society. They encourage curiosity, exploration, and experimentation, valuing individuals who push the boundaries of what is possible through their ingenuity and inventive spirit.

Equality and Justice

Gnomelanders believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of race, gender, or background. They advocate for equality, fairness, and social justice, working to dismantle systems of oppression and discrimination within their society and beyond. While they believe that someone can be an authority on a subject, or an expert on a matter, they do not believe authority and respect has any ties to control or that having said authority makes anyone better than anyone else. Therefore, they also do not treat others differently based on features such as their occupation.

Honesty and Integrity

Gnomelanders value honesty, integrity, and transparency in all aspects of life. They believe in the importance of speaking truthfully, acting with integrity, and upholding moral principles even in the face of adversity. Trust and reliability are highly valued traits in Gnomelander society.

Lifelong Learning

Gnomelanders embrace a culture of lifelong learning and personal growth. They believe in the importance of education, curiosity, and intellectual curiosity, continuously seeking to expand their knowledge, skills, and understanding of the world around them.

Common Etiquette rules

Greeting Rituals

Gnomelanders have a unique greeting ritual where they rub their noses together as a sign of affection and respect. This gesture is commonly used when meeting someone for the first time or when greeting friends and family members. It is considered impolite to refuse a nose rub when offered, as it symbolizes goodwill and camaraderie.

Expressing Gratitude

Gnomelanders believe in the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation for the kindness and generosity of others. They say "thank you" freely and sincerely, acknowledging acts of kindness and goodwill with genuine gratitude.

Sharing Resources

Gnomelanders have a culture of sharing and cooperation, and it is customary to offer assistance and share resources with others in need. Whether it's lending a helping hand, sharing a meal, or offering shelter, Gnomelanders are quick to support one another in times of need.

Saying Goodbye

When parting ways, Gnomelanders bid farewell with warmth and sincerity, expressing well wishes and hopes for future encounters. They may also exchange hugs or nose rubs as a final gesture of affection and connection.

First Name Basis

Unless a surname is required to distinguish with whom a Gnomelander is conversing, Gnomelanders refer to one another on a first name basis, regardless of factors such as relationship or job role.

Common Dress code

Functional Fashion

Gnomelanders prioritize functionality and practicality in their clothing choices. They prefer garments that allow for freedom of movement and comfort, especially given their active lifestyle and involvement in mechanical pursuits. Clothing is designed to be durable, versatile, and well-suited to the needs of everyday life.

Creative Expression

Gnomelanders use clothing as a form of creative expression, incorporating unique patterns, textures, and embellishments into their attire. They enjoy experimenting with different styles and aesthetics, mixing and matching pieces to create outfits that reflect their individuality and personal taste.

Practical Footwear

Gnomelanders prioritize practicality when it comes to footwear, opting for sturdy, comfortable shoes that provide support and protection for their feet. Boots, sandals, and clogs are popular choices among Gnomelanders, with designs that balance functionality with style.

Versatile Accessories

Gnomelanders accessorize their outfits with versatile accessories that serve both practical and decorative purposes. Belts, pouches, and goggles are common accessories worn by Gnomelanders.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Cloud Rabbit Racing

Cloud rabbit racing is a popular pastime and tradition among Gnomelanders. Gnomes breed and train their pet cloud rabbits to compete in races held on the floating islands of The Gnomelands. These races are not only a source of entertainment but also a way for Gnomelanders to showcase their skill and bond with their beloved pets.


Gnomelanders have a tradition of giving personalized gifts to express affection and appreciation for others. Tinkers and inventors often create unique and handmade gifts for their loved ones, showcasing their creativity and skill. These gifts are cherished by recipients and serve as tangible symbols of friendship and connection.

Community Workshops

Gnomelanders frequently come together to participate in community workshops and collaborative projects. These workshops provide opportunities for Gnomelanders to share knowledge, skills, and resources, fostering a sense of camaraderie and cooperation within the community. Whether it's building mechanical inventions, crafting artwork, or tending to communal gardens, Gnomelanders enjoy working together to achieve shared goals and aspirations.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Community Welcoming

Upon the birth of a child, the Gnomelander community comes together to welcome the newest member into their midst. Neighbors, friends, and fellow Gnomelanders visit the newborn and their family, bringing gifts, food, and well-wishes. This communal celebration serves to strengthen bonds within the community and reaffirm the interconnectedness of all Gnomelanders.

Handcrafted Gifts

Gnomelanders often create handcrafted gifts for newborns as a gesture of love and welcome. These gifts may include handmade toys, clothing, blankets, or other items crafted with care and attention to detail. The act of creating these gifts is considered a labor of love, symbolizing the community's support and affection for the newborn and their family.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerary Rafts

Gnomelanders have a unique tradition for honoring their deceased loved ones. When a Gnomelander passes away, their body is placed on a decorated raft adorned with their favorite flowers and belongings. The raft is then floated down a stream or river, symbolizing the beginning of the deceased's journey to the afterlife. Gnomelanders accompany the raft until it arrives at a waterfalland topples ovver the edge of the island, paying their respects and bidding farewell to the departed.

Annual Remembrance Ceremony

Gnomelanders hold an annual remembrance ceremony to honor and celebrate the lives of those who have passed away. Family and friends gather together in a communal ceremony, where they share stories, memories, and send paper lanterns down rivers as symbolic gestures of remembrance and farewell. The ceremony is a time of healing, connection, and shared grief, as Gnomelanders come together to support one another and honor the legacy of those who have passed on.

Memory Scrolls

Gnomelanders create memory scrolls as a way to preserve the stories and memories of their departed loved ones for future generations. These scrolls are meticulously crafted with handwritten accounts of the deceased's life, achievements, and contributions to the community. Family members and friends add their own memories, anecdotes, and tributes to the scroll, creating a cherished keepsake that honors the legacy of the departed and ensures that their memory lives on for generations to come.

Common Taboos

Stealing Inventions

Gnomelanders value innovation and creativity, and stealing or plagiarizing someone else's inventions is considered a serious taboo. Gnomelanders believe in the importance of honoring the intellectual property and contributions of others, and any attempts to take credit for someone else's work are met with strong social condemnation and ostracism.

Breaking Promises

Gnomelanders place great importance on honesty, integrity, and keeping one's word. Breaking promises or betraying trust is considered a grave offense and can damage relationships and reputations within the community. Gnomelanders believe in the importance of reliability and accountability, and any breaches of trust are met with disapproval and social consequences.

Disregarding Community Needs

Gnomelanders have a strong sense of community and collective responsibility, and any actions that prioritize individual interests over the needs of the community are considered taboo. Gnomelanders believe in the importance of cooperation, solidarity, and mutual support, and any behavior that undermines these principles is viewed unfavorably within Gnomelander society.


Beauty Ideals

Expressive Hairstyles

Gnomelanders express their individuality through their hairstyles, which often feature vibrant colors, elaborate braids, and playful accessories. Hair is considered a canvas for self-expression, with Gnomelanders experimenting with different styles and techniques to create eye-catching looks.

Gender Ideals

Gender Equality

Gnomelanders believe strongly in gender equality, valuing the contributions and perspectives of individuals regardless of their gender identity. There are no rigid gender roles within Gnomelander society, and both men and women are encouraged to pursue their interests and ambitions freely.

Respect for Diversity

Gnomelanders embrace diversity in gender identity and expression, recognizing that gender is a spectrum and that individuals may identify in various ways. They respect each individual's right to self-determination and self-expression, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all gender identities.

Collaborative Partnerships

Gnomelanders view relationships as partnerships based on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation. Whether romantic or platonic, relationships are characterized by open communication, shared decision-making, and a commitment to supporting each other's goals and aspirations.

Courtship Ideals

Personalized Gestures

Gnomelanders value thoughtful and personalized gestures as expressions of affection during courtship. Whether it's crafting a handmade gift, composing a heartfelt poem, or planning a surprise outing based on the interests of their partner, Gnomelanders prioritize sincerity and thoughtfulness in their romantic gestures.

Shared Experiences

Gnomelanders place a high value on shared experiences and quality time spent together. Courtship often involves engaging in activities that both partners enjoy, such as exploring the natural beauty of The Gnomelands, attending cultural events, or participating in collaborative projects.

Communication and Listening

Effective communication is key in Gnomelander courtship, with partners openly expressing their feelings, desires, and intentions. Gnomelanders prioritize active listening and empathy, seeking to understand their partner's perspective and validate their emotions throughout the courtship process.

Long-Term Vision

Marriage does not exist in gnomelander culture, but Gnomelanders approach courtship with a long-term perspective, focusing on building a strong foundation of trust, respect, and compatibility for a lasting partnership. They prioritize qualities such as loyalty, honesty, and integrity in their prospective partners, seeking someone with whom they can envision a future together.

Relationship Ideals

Mutual Respect and Equality

Gnomelanders believe in the importance of mutual respect and equality in relationships. Partners are viewed as equals, with each individual's opinions, feelings, and contributions valued and respected. Gnomelanders strive to create partnerships built on trust, honesty, and collaboration.

Open Communication

Effective communication is essential in Gnomelander relationships. Partners are encouraged to openly express their thoughts, feelings, and needs, fostering understanding and empathy between them. Gnomelanders prioritize active listening and honest dialogue, seeking to resolve conflicts and strengthen their connection through communication.

Quality Time Together

Gnomelanders cherish quality time spent together with their partners, prioritizing meaningful experiences and shared adventures. Whether it's exploring the natural beauty of The Gnomelands, pursuing shared hobbies, or simply enjoying each other's company, Gnomelanders value the time they spend together.

Shared Values and Goals

Gnomelanders seek partners who share their values, interests, and aspirations for the future. They prioritize compatibility and alignment in core beliefs and life goals, striving to build a relationship based on shared values and mutual understanding.

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