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The Gnomelands


Floating Islands

The most distinctive feature of The Gnomelands is its series of floating islands, suspended high above the ground. These islands vary in size, shape, and elevation, creating a breathtaking landscape of floating landmasses that seem to defy gravity.


Cascading from the edges of the floating islands are numerous waterfalls, creating spectacular natural displays as water plunges down into the abyss below. Gnomelanders have incorporated these waterfalls into their cultural traditions, viewing them as symbols of beauty and vitality.

Sunset Atmosphere

One of the most enchanting aspects of The Gnomelands is its perpetual sunset atmosphere. The sky is bathed in warm hues of orange, pink, and purple, casting a romantic glow over the landscape and creating stunning vistas at all times of the day.


Cloud Rabbit Racing

It is a common passtime of Gnomelanders to race their cloud rabbits, to the extent that it is a national sport in The Gnomelands. Competitions are held once per long moon and the grand champion recieves a cute accessory for their cloud rabbit, such as a bow or some slippers.

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