Radha Settlement in The Ground | World Anvil
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Militaristic Hierarchy

The government is structured around military leadership, with generals or warlords holding significant influence over political decisions. At the apex of the government would be the Supreme Commander, who holds ultimate authority over both military and civilian affairs. This position could be hereditary, appointed, or earned through military prowess. Beneath the Supreme Commander would be a council composed of influential military leaders known as warlords. These warlords would advise the Supreme Commander on military strategy and policy decisions.


Cave Network

Radha is a vast network of interconnected caves, tunnels, and caverns that sprawl beneath the surface of The Night Realm. These underground passages form a labyrinthine system reminiscent of an ant colony, with chambers of varying sizes and complexity.

Rocky Terrain

The caves of Radha are carved into rocky terrain, with walls and ceilings composed of natural stone formations. Some areas may feature stalactites and stalagmites, while others may be smooth or jagged depending on geological forces.

Underground Rivers and Lakes

Throughout Radha, underground rivers and lakes meander through the caverns, providing a vital source of water for the duergar population. These bodies of water may be interconnected, forming subterranean reservoirs that sustain life within the caves.

Geothermal Activity

Beneath the surface, geothermal activity heats the caves of Radha, creating pockets of warmth in an otherwise cold and inhospitable environment. These geothermal vents may also produce hot springs or geysers, which the Radhans harness for bathing and heating purposes.


Stable Temperature

Without the influence of sunlight, the temperature in Radha remains relatively stable throughout the year. It tends to be cool or cold, depending on the depth and geothermal activity in different parts of the cave network.


Due to the presence of underground rivers, lakes, and geothermal activity, the humidity levels in Radha can vary. Some areas may be damp and humid, especially near bodies of water, while others may be drier.

Location under


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