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The Night Realm


The Umbrathi

Long ago, in the realm of Sofea, sun elves, moon elves, and aasimar coexisted in harmony under the benevolent rule of the angelic Aasimar. Yet, amidst the idyllic tranquility of their shared society, darkness lurked in the hearts of some, festering like a poison within the ranks of the sun elves.

When whispers of treachery and betrayal reached the ears of the Aasimar rulers, they acted swiftly and decisively, convening a tribunal to mete out justice upon those accused of heinous crimes. Those found guilty of their transgressions were condemned to exile, cast out from the sanctity of Sofea to wander the desolate lands beyond its borders, forever separated from the society they had once called home.

Amidst the chaos and turmoil of their exile, the banished sun elves embarked on a perilous journey to the distant and inhospitable lands of the Night Realm, where the sun's light never touched and darkness reigned supreme. Cut off from the warmth and comfort of their former lives, they struggled to survive in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness, their once-proud civilization reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory.

Yet, despite the trials and tribulations they faced, the Umbrathi endured, their resilience and determination unbroken by the hardships of their exile. United by a common bond forged in the crucible of adversity, they carved out a new existence for themselves in the darkness, building a society that prized strength, resilience, and unity above all else.

As the ages passed and the memory of their exile faded into legend, the Umbrathi came to embrace their new identity, embracing the darkness as a symbol of their strength and resilience. Though they remained forever separated from their sunlit brethren, they found solace and purpose in their newfound home, forging a path forward guided by the light of their own inner strength and the promise of redemption.

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