The Maze at Masozi Building / Landmark in The Ground | World Anvil
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The Maze at Masozi

Purpose / Function

No one knows exactly what is going on inside The Maze at Masozi, aside from those inside it.


The Maze at Masozi is surrounded by an enchanted maze filled with traps and robotic guards. It also seems to have some kind of anti-magic barrier that prevents people from flying over it.


The Maze at Masozi was built comparitively recently, shortly after the gnomes landed at the Masozi Landing Site. However, it was one of the first buildings to be built within the Masozi region, before people started building houses in the area.


The public are barred from entering The Maze at Masozi, but some are intrigued by the location, and travel down to try their hand at breaking in and discovering it's secrets.


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