Alistair of Eventell (Al-est-air)

78th King of Eventell

(a.k.a. the Good-King, the Peacebringer, the Bookish)

Alistair of Eventell was a king of Eventell from 985 until his death in 1013 at the hands of Mandrake the Betrayer. Known as a scholarly man who's reforms focused on bringing Eventell back from the brink of the ruin it almost fell to in the wake of the Deathless Crisis. He was known to be a math genius, which helped his many economic reforms. His rule suffered a bit due to the unsuccessful trade negotiations with the dwarven kingdom of Faldir, and then even more when Naxyna the Conqueror landed on Faldir's shore and Alistair refused to send any troops besides the Guardians of the Realm and the Tower to help stop Naxyna's Conquest on the continent.  


Alistair was born to Aeosas of Eventell and Queen Silana in 972. He was born almost two months premature, and teetered of the brink of death for a full summer before making a miraculous recovery come winter. His early birth cursed him and remained with him for the rest of his life, however, in the form of muscular dystrophy and asthma. It was said his birth was celebrated for three days across the kingdom by the common folk, and another three days once the crown told of his recovery from his weakness. The Count of Bydel sent him a magnificent steed, the pride of his breeding stock, as a welcome gift to the new ruler of the Duchy of Elleao and Prince of Lord.  


Alistair took the throne at the age of 13 with the sudden passing of his father of a heart attack. During Alistair's first years as king, government was in the hands of a series of regency councils, influenced by Alistair's mother Queen Silana and her lover Radbert of Hincona, who had been the regent of Alistair's father. Eventell then faced a series of major problems, including a bankruptcy and lawlessness. A major challenge of the first two years of the reign was the Peasants' Revolt in 987, and the young king played a central part in the successful suppression of this crisis. Less warlike than either his father or grandfather, he sought to have a steady and peaceful rule. He further reduced the standing military by a quarter, angering a lot of minor nobiles whose sons were often sent to serve in the military in order to bend the ear of the king.   A firm believer in the royal prerogative, Alistair restrained the power of the aristocracy and relied on a private retinue for military protection instead. In contrast to his grandfather, he cultivated a refined atmosphere centered on art and culture at court, in which the king was an elevated figure. He quickly banished his mother, and had Radbert of Hincona put to death on five accounts of extramarital affairs, blackmail, and undue influence over the king. He seized all of Hincona's lands and titles and gave them to his friend Emory of Mithri instead.   Alistair's first and only goal as king was to fix the economy in the wake of the ruin it experienced since the Deathless War. As such, he heavily taxed the nobility, and gave much tax relief to the peasantry. He also brokered many very lucrative trade contracts with Rioja, Doral, and Vanir. He tried many times to approach the neighboring nation of Faldir with trade contracts, but the dwarves were resistant to him each time.   The economy started a quick recovery, but the king's dependence on a small number of courtiers and the exorbitant taxes of the nobility caused discontent among the influential, and in 988 control of government was taken over by a group of aristocrats known as the Lords Vindicated. By 990 Alistair had regained control, and for the four years governed in relative harmony with his former opponents. In 995, he took his revenge on the Vindicated, many of whom were executed or exiled. As was his habit, he seized the lands and titles of his opponents and put his supporters into their places, starting at least four new nobile houses in this way. By 1000, he had enough supporters that the remainder of his discontent nobles were cowed, and Alistair had an iron grip on the control of the country.   For the next decade, Alistair continued a successful rule marked by many economic reforms, almost all of which worked to stabilize the country. Upon the start of Naxyna's Conquest, Alistair stood the military up again to Deathless War numbers as a precaution, but had to slowly lower it due to the economic strain it put the country under. The relations between he and the Thanes of Faldir never recovered from the latter's many rejections of trade, and when Naxyna's Legions landed on the shores of Faldir, the Faldiro Diplomat was said to have postulated himself before the throne and begged the king to send troops to help, but Alistair refused him with a smirk. Days afterwards, however, Alistair gave concession and paid the Guardians and The Tower to travel to Faldir and supplement the nation's troops.


Knight-Commander Aric of Eventell

Half-brother (Vital)

Towards Alistair of Eventell



Alistair of Eventell

Half-brother (Vital)

Towards Knight-Commander Aric of Eventell




The brothers have always been close from the moment Aric held Alistair's swaddled form in his arms as a babe and swore an unbreakable vow to always care, love and protect his little brother.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The brothers enjoy games of chess together as well as a shared love of novels.

Shared Acquaintances

Aric is very close friends with Queen Danisa, who he rescued through happenstance and later on helped to set up with his brother, knowing the two would be perfect for one another. Danisa and Aric still have a strong friendship outside of their shared relationship with Alistair, often writing long letters to each other filled with hopes, hapinesses, fears and inside jokes.

Aeosas of Eventell

Father (Vital)

Towards Alistair of Eventell


Alistair of Eventell

Son (Vital)

Towards Aeosas of Eventell


Inspiration: King Richard II of England
Date of Birth
9 Early Spring, 972
Date of Death
24 Early Summer, 1013
972 AC 1013 AC 41 years old
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed by Mandrake the Betrayer
Place of Death
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Saint Aenwyn the Graceful


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