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Blood & Glory

Written by Intern Joshua on 06/30/1511 and kept in order.
  Edited by Silverblood on 12/18/1511.

Far removed from the hustle and bustle of the main pristine halls of the Guild, lies the inner fighting pit, dubbed "Blood & Glory" by its proctor Arcturus Lightbringer, a former member of the order of the gauntlet. Various boards line the front entry way to the fighting pits showing a variety of ranks, bets and odds, and scheduled fights for the week. The main lobby is known to attract those of a more violent nature to come and settle their grudges in sanctioned matches, where Patrons are not involved:

It is just adventurer VS adventurer.

Though be warned, as much gold is spilled in this pit as blood. Beware those of foolish greed.

Purpose / Function

Blood & Glory is the Guild's arena, or its fighting pit. It is mainly used as a training ground most of the time for adventurers to train in.

It is welcoming to adventurers of all classes and levels. Casters are as much appreciated as the martials, and newcomers are available to see most experienced adventurers trained. Lightbringer will be able to help, train, and arbitrate any kind of fight between adventurers. It is also possible to take bets on the fight.


Blood & Glory is designed much like any regular fighting pit. Stone is the main material used in order to prevent catching on fire due to some spells. Some of the walls are also protected to prevent falling debris.  
The stage is circular in shape, with a diameter and length that allows for maneuverability and various style of combat, like duo fights for example. Therefore, the area is big.
  Elevated seating areas for spectators surround the arena, providing a vantage point for onlookers and potential opportunities for interaction with the fighters, though it is forbidden to disturb them. It also exists special viewing areas for important Patrons and High Patrons.


Blood & Glory is an open roof arena, allowing casting of spells calling the thunder.

Other than that, the arena possesses 2 entries. A main one where most people are entering and existing, and another one in case of emergencies.


Lightbringer is always around the arena since it is his place to take care of. Though, he also mentions his love for a good fight.
Adventurer Hoodah is mostly roaming around Blood & Glory in order to battle Lightbringer. The rest of the adventurers come and go when they feel like it.   Note: After breaking Blood & Glory, adventurer Hoodah was banned from the place.

Contents & Furnishings

The arena contains a variety of items to train in fighting: weapons, armors, dummies, etc. It is a perfect place for any kind of martial fighters. For the casters, however, Blood & Glory allows the possibility to train there as long as their presence is mentioned beforehand. Lightbringer wants to avoid possible spells fails onto other trainees.


Ever since the event of the mission of 07/17/1511, Blood & Glory has been dismantled into Leaf Leaf Village.


The first ever fight that happened in Blood & Glory after the Guild's changes, was between adventurer Soporific and an anonymous adventurer. Both casters had an interesting match but Soporific managed to win the fight, allowing the people who bet on his performance to receive gold.


Adventurer Elijah and adventurer Precious used to have a fight to settle some conflicts. They were being watched by Lightbringer as well as adventurer Hoodah. Elijah won the fight, however because of how the fight went, Hoodah went on the arena and managed to "punch" Elijah till he went unconscious. Then, he proceeded to break the arena stage while Lightbringer tried to stop him. Ever since this event, Blood & Glory was closed off to the public.


There are rumors about a Patron doing illegal fights and bets between adventurers when Lightbringer was off. Upon questioning adventurers no one really confirmed nor denied those allegations.


Edit of 12/18/1511: Before joining the Guild, adventurer Hope challenged Lightbringer in a formal fight. Hope won and was therefore accepted to the Guild of Misfits & Majesty. It was one of the rare instance where a fight's result who allow someone to join the Guild as an adventurer. Fortuna apparently pushed her daughter to challenge Lightbringer, hoping for her to fail and not become part of the Guild.

In-Progress Article

  ❗ This article is currently being worked on. It is subject to changes and modifications.
Alternative Names
Leaf Leaf Village
Current state


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