Aioganthus Settlement in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil


The greatest city of the Sea of Whispering Sands. Home to Aldinach

A sprawling metropolis of twisted buildings constructed from spiny chitin and flexible resin. Named Aioganthus, this impossible city is built within the slowly collapsing walls of a funnel-shaped sinkhole in the sand.   As the buildings of Aioganthus slide inexorably down the funnel’s walls, they gather in the center and tangle together, forming a towering spire of chitin and resin that evokes the image of an immense scorpion’s tail. Every few hours, this constantly growing spire lurches downward to “sting” the funnel’s rim, where building material at the tower’s apex breaks off, falling toward the rim, and forms a new structure on the outskirts of the city. The eternal recycling of Aioganthus’s buildings in this manner forces those who dwell within to repeatedly relocate, for those who remain in one building too long are eventually crushed and recycled along with their domicile. This ongoing replenishment of buildings and reworking of the city layout makes Aioganthus an exceptionally difficult location to navigate or assault. Only certain regions inside the central tower remain fixed in place, the slowly churning mass of structure flowing ever upward around them toward the spire’s apex. These stable regions house the personal quarters, laboratories, and prison cells of Aldinach herself.
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