Amurrun Species in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil



Amurrun appreciate luck and chance, however, they are also cautious and practical. An Amurrun's appreciation of luck leads them to view things often from a perspective of 'If I did this 10,20, or a hundred times, what would happen?' as opposed to hoping to chance something on it working out once.

Place value on the moon, stars, planes and their effect on life. The Amurrun have an appreciation for how the forces we can not see affect our lives and temperaments. They are reticent to enter the Underdark as it is closer to Rovagug's corruptive influence, for example.

Amurrun appreciate positive change. They are not conservative. They do, however, respect history and customs and don't balk at ancient traditions, especially when they come from the Osirion Gods.

Amurrun value generosity, and looking after the lost. If someone is in need, Amurrun are often willing to take them in. It is very common for Amurrun tribes to have a good number of individuals that joined at one point or another, often when they were at a low. Most Amurrun have traveled with a few friends, and alone, at some point in their lives, and have relied on the help of others during these travels.

Freedom. I enjoy the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. When their freedom is restricted, it generally creates restlessness and itching to throw off the shackles. Modern Amurrun have achieved more freedom through self organising into communities that they have more control within, whether it be an Amurrun clan in a settlement, or a nomadic clan that has left the lands most significantly affected by the Keleshites. Due to this tendency, Amurrun of many walks of life decide to fight in the resistance.
This leads some Amurrun to swap clans (often coinciding a marriage). City Amurrun may yearn for the nomadic lifestyle where they can be 'truly free to go where they please' while Nomadic Amurrun may feel that they are missing out on all the wonders of civilisation and feel a calling to join a clan in a settlement.

Amurrun appreciate creativity.


Community - Living with other Amurrun. Being near family and clan is important to the vast majority of Amurrun.

The Land - Amurrun often form attachments to the lands they are from, whether that be 'Osirion', 'My house/city/district I grew up in' or 'The tree I always love to relax under when our tribe comes past here.'


Kleptomanic - Amurrun are often seen as thieves.

Insular - Though the Amurrun are happy to take anyone into their community, they are often quite segregated and insular. Amurrun who leave and join other communities are often seen to of committed some kind of act of betrayal, and their opinion is now less valuable, this reinforces the insular perspective of the clan as it's less likely to take in outside input.



Will frequently avoid interpersonal conflict - frequently by giving someone a cold shoulder or by simply leaving the area.

Cautious - Will often carefully scout a target or problem before striking at it quickly.

Travelers Amurrun frequently enjoy travel, and bursts of travel for an individual or group are a common exception to their general desire to live with their group. A period of 'Great Travel' is a cultural milestone in the life of an Amurrun.

Common Motivators

Adventure, Liberation, Peace, Family, Clan.

Common Dispositions

Happy, Curious, Cautious, Helpful  


  • Mafdet - Deceased
  • Sekhmet Daughter of Mafdet
  • Hathor Daughter of Mafdet
  • Bastet Son of Mafdet
  • Maahes Son of Sekhmet
  • Shed



Hundreds of thousands accross Osirion. Due to the Amurrun's hatred of someone taking away their freedom, and their attachment to the land, many Amurrun fought against the Qadiran Invasion, coming home from their travels or from across Garund. Relatively small numbers of Amurrun fled during the rule of Qadira or The Padishah Empire of Kelesh.

Habitat - Varies

Amurrun's communal lifestyle and desire for freedom tend to see them in large groups of their own race, weather it be in a settlement where they have significant control over their region, or as nomads where they go as they please.
  • Large Settlements: Every large settlement in Osirion has at least one district dominated by Amurrun.
  • Medium Settlements: It's common for medium settlements contain a tribe of Amurrun, and for that tribe to be one of the more powerful or influential organisations in the location. Those that don't however, tend to have few Amurrun, and those they have would either be presently traveling or rare Amurrun who for whatever reason, do not live with their kind.
  • Small Settlements: Small settlements rarely have Amurrun, or are almost entirely Amurrun.
  • Nomadic Tribes: It's common knowledge that there are more Amurrun nomads than any other singular race. Nomadic Amurrun are most common in the expansive Osirion Desert in North Western Osirion, though there are some tribes in the Brazen Frontier and Scorpion Coast

Progressiveness - Very High

Amurrun are fun-loving, curious, enjoy excitement and seeing new things. This disposes them to be very progressive. However, they respect their ancestors and the gods and are loyal to Osirion, so like all things, their progressiveness has limits.

Lawfulness Low

Amurrun would probably take offence if you called them unlawful, but that doesn't stop it from being a common consensus from the other races. The Amurrun have their own sense of correct and incorrect and what laws they should follow. Osirion agrees: It's not the Keleshite's laws.

Amurrun tend to follow the rules of their Clan and family, especially when instructed to as someone they see as their superordinant in their semi-formal social heirarchies (e.g. their Parents, older siblings, mentor, the clan leadership.) Mafdet and Sekhmet are gods of Duty and reinforce this virtue.

  If they didn't agree to the rule, they probably don't feel like it applies to them. Amurrun tend to not place much weight on rules set by other people, or agreements made by others that they were not apart of - regardless of weather other people think it a reasonable thing to follow, the Amurrun may be from a clan of hundreds of people that they know that would agree with them. Bastet and Hathor's stories provide many examples of them not agreeing with, and subsequently ignoring something their older sister Sekhmet came up with in consultation with her adoptive father, Ra.

  Amurrun often avoid interpersonal conflict by attempting to leave it. Many find it frustrating that they won't stick around for a lecture on why they should follow some rule that someone else finds important.

Comunalness - Very High

Amurrun society functions as a community. Each member has specialised roles, with each member having fairly specialised roles, the raising of children is done by a myriad of different clan members rather than just the parents.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Amurrun are able to reproduce with eachother and Humans.
Hundreds of Thousands accross Osirion
Settlements and Nomadic
Very High
Very High
Affinity for Magic
Racial Insularity
Tendancy towards expansionism
Nomadic Amurrun, Low | Amurrun in settlements, High
Very High
Difae Shirun Status
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Organizations
Mate (Above) Nathe's Riojan Amurrun Allies (Below)


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