City of Brass Settlement in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil

City of Brass


The City of Brass is often described as having the greatest souk in the entire universe. This is both true and not. The efreet, being a very organized race of beings, actually have several different bazaars to satisfy their needs and the needs of their relentless otherworldly customers. Nearly everything that can be bought and sold may be found within one of the many bazaars. The stalls and shops are most often run by the slave of an efreeti and in the rarest of occasions by a poor efreeti of the lowest caste.  


Upper City District
  District of Foreign Powers
  Military District
Bazaar of Arms
Government District
District of Naibs
The Noble District
Bazaar of 1,000 Sins
Foreign Quater - Souk Dhimmi
The Bazaar of Arcana
The Basin 1. The Caravanserai


  • The Ziggurat of Flame - As-zug al Nar
    See As-zug al Nar - Ziggurat of Flame


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