Kaliban Geographic Location in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


The Ancient's Land

Kaliban, Primordial for The Ancient's Land, is one of the main continents of Riven. It is located west of Typhon, connected by a small and narrow strait, Northwest of Sett, and borders the __ and __ Oceans. Kaliban is home to Orcs, Tauras, Goblinoids, Genasi, Dragonborn, and a small amount of Drow. Other races present include Humans, Elves, Ogres, Trolls, Centaurs, Elementals, and Demons.   The three regions of Kaliban can be divided into Kelsarius, Zarosh, and Shuala. Kelsarius lies in the northern tip of Kaliban, bleeding into the Aphelion Strait. In the center lies Zarosh and at the Southern-most region is Shuala.   Kelsarius to the North is a vast land plains and forests, ruled over by the Adraxian Empire, a magic-fearing empire built out of the ashes of ___. A mix of plains, forests, and mountains dot the winding steppes and brush of the land, with the southern border of the Kelsarian province slowly resembling the red crags and badlands of Zarosh.    Zarosh in the Center   And Shuala to the South
Alternative Name(s)
The Ancient's Land
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