
The Primordials, also known as elemental titans, primordial titans, or simply the titans, were a race of great, ancient elementals that once inhabited the Material Plane. As Xapham and Darkin created the world of Riven they pulled from stars, nebulae, and meteorites to create the planet. These cosmological objects contained essences of the Primordials, elemental energy in its rawest form, as their bodies began to merge together from the millions of these objects being fused together until the elementals dwelt deep beneath the planets surface fully formed. During the Founding, the gods created the first mortals, including the first humanoids and dragons. After this, the Primordials rose from the earth to attack them. During the ensuing struggle, the gods split into the Primaris Deities, who wanted to fight the Primordials and protect their creations, and the Betrayer Gods, who wished to join the chaos wrought by these elementals. In the end, the Primaris Deities were victorious, and the Betrayer Gods were individually imprisoned or banished while the Primordials were destroyed and scattered to their own planes.