Betrayer Gods Organization in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

Betrayer Gods

Deities of Evil

The Betrayer Gods are the deities who strayed from the ideals of the Founding and embraced the destructive chaos of the Primordials or grew selfish of their own creations. The Betrayer Gods rarely work together, since they see each other as threats to their own plots and goals. This very weakness allowed the Primaris Deities to defeat and banish them, ending the Calamity.

Betrayer Gods

Deity Epithet Alignment Province
Arkhan  The Whispered One Neutral Evil Dark Magic, Necromancy, Secrets
Bhaal  The Bloodthirster Chaotic Evil Anger, Slaughter, Wrath
Darkin  The World's Oblivion Chaotic Evil Destruction, Insanity, Revenge
Norog  The King Who Crawls Neutral Evil Enslavement, Nightmares, Torture
Raum  The Prince of Darkness Lawful Evil Darkness, Deceit, Tyranny
Tiamat  The Scaled Tyrant Lawful Evil Envy, Evil Dragons, Greed
Valhir  The Thousand-Pierced Beast Chaotic Evil Hunting, Lycanthropy, Savagery
Vesh  She Who Thirsts Chaotic Evil Excess, Lust, Pain
Virule  The Blightfather Neutral Evil Decay, Disease, Pestilence
Religious, Pantheon

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