The Blue Demon

Mysterious and enigmatic, the Blue Demon is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. An assassin for some of the darkest organizations or individuals across Riven, he most notably operates around his homeland of Kano. Using his weapons as his paintbrushes and with an unprecedented ability to steal ki from the living, the Blue Demon creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, making him the ideal choice of mercenary to send the most powerful of messages: terror.



The Blue Demon has been seen wearing a Kanoan robe during his first encounter, but the most notable item worn is a Kanoan bard mask, his right side being obscured in a black mesh with no eyehole and the other half presenting an ivory material and blank expression, allowing a glowing blue eye to appear from underneath its visage.

Character Information


The Blue Demon is proficient with a manner of weapons and appears to have some level of adeptitude with practices of the arcane. He also has the ability to siphon ki from any living target he strikes, as seen with his interaction with Zira in the Citadel of Naset.
  • Flourishing Attack

Bard Spells

7th Level: Delayed Blast Fireball

Notable Items

  • Ivory Pistol

Basic Information

Chaotic Evil

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Character | Dec 6, 2022