The Citadel of Naset Settlement in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

The Citadel of Naset

The majestic Oasis of central Naset, the Citadel already had plentiful amounts of water and plantlife due to being founded adjacent to the Sai River, however over countless millenniums the Citadel has grown from the first settlement in Naset to the largest city in the world. This fact was solidified during the Calamity when the Dawnfather blessed the Nasetans with the Sun Soul, an unending magical well of celestial power. With this sphere of arcane energy standing above the Citadel, the Empire of Naset has laid claim to the Great Sai as the most prosperous and powerful nation on the continent.


The Citadel of Naset is divided into five districts, the sun, sky, dune, and water district as well as the Burrows. The sun district lies in the center of the citadel and is home to the Golden Palace and the Sun Soul, essentially being the seat of the Empire and it's magical and political power. The sky district directly surrounds the Sun district in a circular fashion and is home to the wealthy nobles, aristocrats, and buildings of the capital. The dune district embodies the outskirts of the Citadel and is for the middle class workers and businesses within it's walls. The Cerulean Bazaar is the main merging point between the sky and dune district as it lies within both and is a joining point for the two classes. To the South along the Sai River's banks lies the water district, the harbor of the Citadel where traders and the military dock their vessels. Finally the Burrows lies below the city within it's canals' 100 ft. drops. This is the home of the lower class, beggars, and vagrants staying within the capital.

Points of interest

The Sun District:
  • The Sun Soul: The magical epicenter of Naset, it is a large sphere of celestial energy resembling a sun that hovers above the city with the help of two towers holding it in place.
  • The Golden Palace: The seat of government for the Empire of Naset, it features multiple discussion chambers, guard's quarters, and the throne room of the Emperor.
  • The Tomb of the Emperors: Directly below the Golden Palace closer to the Burrows lies the Tomb of the Emperors, the resting place of rulers prior to the Emperor of Naset now a prison for the Emperor's undead brother.
The Sky District:
  • The Golden Spring
  • Oasis of the Dawn
  • The Platinum Chateau
  • Library of Malady / Great Nasai Library
  • Nasai Conservatory
  • The Shaded Grace
  • Shimmers and Seams
The Dune District:
  • The Refuge
  • The Cerulean Bazaar
  • The Vagrant Song
  • Adventurer's Trove
The Water District:
  • Sai'veth Trading Company
  • The Aureate Docks
The Burrows:
  • The Excavation Pit
  • The Undertap
Alternative Name(s)
520,000 (68% humans, 12% elves and half-elves, 10% dwarves, 10% other races)
Location under
Owning Organization
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