The Emperor of Naset Character in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

The Emperor of Naset

The mortal ruler of Naset in a long distant age, after dying and being resurrected as an immortal being of raw magical power the Emperor of Naset has led his empire into an unending age of prosperity. While successfully leading his people for untold millenniums has bestowed the Emperor with untold knowledge and wisdom, watching helplessly as those he knew and loved have fallen due to the passage of time has changed him from the bright-eyed mortal ruler he once was. His philosophies on government, social customs, and war have not adjusted from his views thousands of years ago, he's forgotten his family, his sons, and his own name, and his longing for an end to his rule and life grows heavier and heavier on him each day. While now he views his immortality as a curse, he still leads his people not by birthright but because he is the most capable Nasetan for the role of Emperor.
Lawful Neutral
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