Naset Geographic Location in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


The Sands of Fate

The region of Naset is a vast desert dotted with oasis', dunes, and ruins from generations past. Along the Eastern half of the continent of Sett the warm sun illuminates dusty sands and settlements on the fringes of this region's wastes. This arid land is governed by the Empire of Naset, a monarchy ruled over by an immortal apotheon only known by his moniker, The Emperor of Naset. The Great Sai desert overtakes the North, East, and West of the region. To the far East beyond the Sai's wrath is one of it's two sister deserts: the Shakkal Expanse. Finally to the South is the Great Sai's second sister: the Sai Rahleek.

Great Sai

Main Article: Great Sai   The Great Sai is a barren desert dotted with few ruins and tombs under it's sands. It is the seat of the empire, with the region of Shuala to it's west of the Settys Mountains, the Shakkal Expanse to it's East, and Sai Rahleek to its South. The Sai River runs through it's yellow dunes, providing oasis' and clean water along its waters.  

Shakkal Expanse

Main Article: Shakkal Expanse   The Shakkal Expanse is the Eastern shorefront and desert side of Naset. While half of the settlements in this region are under imperial control, the other half are neutral towns hoping to maintain their independance.  

Sai Rahleek

Main Article: Sai Rahleek   Sai Rahleek is the Southern desert of Naset and sister desert to the Great Sai. A more barren and arid side of Naset, it's dunes giveway to cracks in the earth and jagged rock formations.
Crest of Naset

Basic Information

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Included Organizations

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