NNWM Story: A Desert Vision Plot in The Hylian Fantasy | World Anvil

NNWM Story: A Desert Vision

10,000 words about Kaolyn, a Gerudo Guard, who on patrol enters an unearthed cave only to find herself greeted with a vision telling her destiny to defend the greater world from a returning evil.


On a routine patrol between the city of Ma'dina and the canyon fortress, the young Gerudo warrior Kaolyn discovers a recently unearthed cavern with a strange, flickering light. Following it, she finds herself lost in darkness, with only the flickering as a guide.   For a child of the desert sun, the oppressing darkness is overwhelming. She begins to imagine shapes, color, sounds in the inky blackness. From these images comes a voice like the raging wind.  
The hearts of the heroes have hardened like canyon walls. Darkness seeks to again consume the lands of light and life. So I turn to my daughter's, the children of the sands of time. For to them I sent the spirit of courage, and in them I raised it. My daughter of the spear and raging inferno. This is your destiny.
  Suddenly the cave comes to life: A blue, lightly clouded sky, a field of green, and in the distance a massive structure of white stone topped with tiles of distinct blue. Framing the castle are two trees. One is large with deep roots and many fruits, but a single branch near the top has rotted, it's fruit dark and poisonous. The second broad, with many different trees grafted together, but the trunk is nearly cut through. Between them, sitting on a stone path is a golden seed, with many dry husks of older seeds surrounding it. The seed sits upright on a point precarious, threatening to fall back to a worn path of sand. Even so, not even the blowing wind can push it over, to force it down the path before it.   Kaolyn proceeds to question the vision, with the wind voice answering her. While she was born to the desert, she exists as both the descendent of the Mali'voe that tried to destroy Hyrule in ancient times, and as the Champion of the Goddess Hylia. While the Goddess can only call her to her destiny, she must claim herself. She may returned to her people and her duty, but doing so may introduce a great corruption to the Desert people.   Kaolyn takes a step back from the vision, knowing her options and the fate of both her world and one she has only heard tales of. As she does so, the cave vision falls away, replaced by the heat of the desert sun and the shifting of sand beneath her feet.

Plot points/Scenes

Action Packed Intro
We are introduced to Kaolyn and her patrol partner walking the main road between the Gerudo Gate and the Kara Kara Bazaar . One of the women spots a patch of ripened Hydromelon and the group goes to grab some for some hydration.

A sudden shifting noise alerts the group as three Sand Lizafols spring into the air, surrounding the patrol. Spears and swords thrust and cut against the steel of the scaled beasts. As the fight persists, one of the monsters smashes his heavy tail against Kaolyn, knocking her away from the group and towards a steep dune edge. Kaolyn defends herself expertly, now only needing to fight one. She eventually sends the Lizafols tumbling down the dune face, but his hard fall shifts the sand. Kaolyn falls with it and manages to slow her own descent by impaling the beast with her spear.

As the sands settle Kaolyn spots the younger Enano making her way down a safer edge of the dune, her sword flashing behind her to keep the two at length. As she nears, Kaolyn throws her spear, rushing forward with her own blade drawn. The spear drives the rear Lizafols to the ground as she and Enano spin around each other in a graceful ballet. Both blades slice and bring the head off of the remaining beast.


Plant growth: Things loved and cared for can still die, while wild things can grow to great size.



Kaolyn is a daughter of the desert and a warrior, a true Gerudo through and through. She feels conflicted at the end of this tale with whether to stay with her people and protect them and the Zaiem or embrace her destiny. Either way, she must complete her duty and begin the trek back to Ma'dina. A long, thoughtful journey lies ahead of her.

Moral Quandaries

For this spearwoman, her way of life and duty to her people now comes into direct conflict with her calling. Should she choose to become the Champion of the Goddess, she leaves her people without one of their most ferocious warriors. To not leave could lead to a greater threat she can not hold against laying siege to the desert.



This story takes primarily in a cave exposed by shifting sand in the Gerudo Desert. The land is dry and inhospitable for many that visit it, but even this cave breathes refreshing coldness.   Kaolyn's vision shows her a glance at a land she has never seen: the windswept Central Hyrule fields below the majestic Hyrule Castle
Plot type
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