NNWM Story: A Plea to Power Plot in The Hylian Fantasy | World Anvil

NNWM Story: A Plea to Power

The final 10k words for NaNoWriMo. This time, Princess Zelda sits in while various nobles, visiting dignataries, and local merchants make requests of her father and mother. This one is going to be really rough as it requires a lot of internal monologue from a a sixteen year old princess and as a thirty year old modern man, I have no idea how she would think.


Princess Zelda is gently wheeled into the throne room of Hyrule Castle by her trusted servant, Malein. She is dressed in one of her more dignified gowns for meeting with other nobles. The fanfare of her arrival is simple, but the looming faces of the duchesses and earls gathered to meet her father put her on guard. In her chair bound state, she feels trapped.   She is seated next to her mother, who smiles warmly but through distant eyes. The first of the visitors approaches her father's dias. Most are simply making complaints against this group or that, asking for additional military presence along the roads of Tabatha Frontier, a Rito asking for reduced military presence in the same area. A small group of bearded men present a token of goodwill from their king - An exquisite Warhammer with inlaid gems and golden fillegre. The Princess, while bored, can't help but to admire her father's ability to delve between each language and accent, their needs and wants smoothly.   Her mother, the queen, pats her arm as a young women rises to speak. "One day, you may be needing to allievate the afflictions of men, but do well to remember the place of children of Hylia." The queen stands alongside her husband to better hear the woman's plight. With a nod, she gives her husband a simple solution and steps down, blessing the woman. Returning to her seat, she points out to Zelda the woman is pregnant and attempting to hide it fr the world.   The last figure steps to the podium, dressed in a dark green cloak. Pulling back the hood he reveals the marred face of an Ordonan Maurader. He raises his hands up as the guards rush forward and drops to his knees. Zelda immediately feels the shrinking away of her servant, of her mother... Of everyone from this man and leaving her alone.


Every character moves in fluid, graceful steps to Zelda. Her lifelong condition has jaded her opinion of those deemed more capable. Still, she puts on a royal façade for the gathered dignitaries, her aura always dignified.



To feel independent from her royal lineage and divine destiny. To believe she is more than just her disability on a world that is not yet fully accomodating to people like her.
The Ordonan Man
To turn the cyclical nature of history on it's head. Planting the seed of corruption and being prepared to be the Princesses weapon.



Princess Zelda Athey de Hyrule
The chair bound daughter of the Royal Family. Believes she is unfit to carry the name due to her disability and further thinks that everyone says as such behind her back.


Pin, A Rito Elder
A vocal Rito who argues against increasing Hylian military presence in Tabantha. This appears to be related to a recent rise in reports of Roto attacking travelers on their way further west.
Anoud, Marquis of Tabatha
An obstinate noble man with a thinly veiled hatred of the Rito.
Parent Plot


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