Trailblazer's Executives

Trailblazers are the rebels and activists who managed to break out of the loop and disconnect from the Ne3. They are led by 4 executives (formerly 5), who act as coordinators and unofficial leaders of the organization. While none of them claims to be above any other members, they are treated with respect and deference by the others.




The de facto leader of the Trailblazers, he is the one who first came up with the idea of returning to the real world. Skilled hacker with a deep love interest for philosophy, he is the writer of the Trailblazer's manifesto, who calls for the disconnection of everyone a reconnection to nature. He was a good friend with TTt, who is the first person he managed to convince of his ideals.



Another hacktivist, TTt is leagues beyond the skills of her friend Astvaar. Self-proclaimed archivist of the ancient world, she already loved to dive into ancient knowledge and forgotten tech hidden behind firewalls. She was familiar with Astvaar's ideology when he contacted her, and was not difficult to convince. She is the head of the tech activities of the organization, if only for her skills. While she is assumed to be a woman from the voice she uses and her avatars, nobody has ever seen her in real life or even know her real name. Even Astvaar only knows her pseudonym.



Introduced to Astvaar by TTt, Nykolas is a headstrong man who always yearn for the physical world. Nicknamed "the bear" for his ancestor's origins and his brawny figure, he is also a specialist in cartography and logistics. Before, he worked with TTt to map the hidden networks and draw a map of all the protocols interwoven in the Ne3, but now he centralizes the huge amount of geographical data sent by all trailblazers to create the first world's map.




Former bounty hunter in the game Starfarer hired by the original trio to help them get their message across the popular platform, he was touched by their ideals and joined them in the disconnection. He never went back even once to the Ne3 after going out, and at nearly 40 years he advances at the vanguard of all trailblazers. A man of terrain, he is the fastest, and one of the most cunning walkers, always stirring up trouble for himself to clean the place for others.



Director of the central broadcast in Starfarer, she was last to join the executives, but was a key element in recruiting more members and getting the Trailblazers from an hopeful bunch to a fully-fledged organization. She disappeared mysteriously after taking a magnetic train right after her disconnection. In a hyper-connected world, it is frightening that someone can vanish even from TTt's sight.

Character | Jul 20, 2024


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Aug 20, 2024 22:39 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Woah. Intriguing article. Makes me curious about your characters and world.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3