Verse-witch Primalist
Musicians and poets alike have long spoken of the "magic" in music (much to the annoyance of The Collegiate Arcane.) While the strum of a lute may not lift a rock from the earth it can certainly move a room full of people - and many can and have argued that the power music holds over a being's spirit is comparable to the magics weaved by arcanists and Primalists alike.
While no definitive results have been linked between musical verse and a being's ability to be motivated or discouraged by song - rumors have long swirled across Alwaus of the beautiful and terrifying Versewitches - creatures of unknown origin and intent who are said to use their beautiful voices to ensnare and corrupt the hearts of men and alvian. Of course none of alleged Versewitch encounters have ever been confirmed and it is far more likely that wine and ale are more responsible for these events than magical song.
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