Kingdom of Borovia

The Kingdom of Borovia, founded in 5 AIS along with the other Platinum Pact nations following The War of Colors, is located in the north-western part of the Imperial Heartlands, nestled beneath the Vysokiy Mountains. Currently ruled by Queen Catherine Sevsky from its capital of Ostragrad following the death of her husband Oleksandr Sevsky in 233 AIS, although rumor has it that she was the true ruler of Borovia long before her husband died.   The people of Borovia are strong and hardy. Toughened up by the cold Borovian climate and rugged landscape.   Borovia follows a system of feudalism much like The Empire’s. The King, or in this case Queen, oversees the duchies which oversee the counties and vassals are expected to fulfil the terms outlined in their feudal contracts.


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