The War of Colors

The War of Colors, also known as the Imperial Schism, was a civil war fought between The Empire and its loyalists against the rebelling duchies of White Oak, Kazima, and Ostragrad. Escalating into a full scale rebellion after peace talks to resolve growing resentment between Duke Reynauld Alx of White Oak, Duke Gareth Koral of Kazima, and Duke Artyom Sevsky of Ostragrad and Kaiser Albrecht, later nicknamed "The Fool" and Imperial diplomats soured when Kaiser Albrecht failed to even appear at the talks, instead choosing to shirk his duties as Kaiser, as was usual for him, and get drunk with his mistresses at the Imperial Palace.   Outraged by the continous disregard of their emperor, the dukes of White Oak, Kazima, and Ostragrad, stormed out of Hanzig and declared themselves independent and formed the Platinum Pact. Then Kaiser Albrecht, in his immense wisdom, gave word to rally the banners of those loyal to The Empire, expecting to be able to quash the rebellion in a matter of months thinking that no one could withstand the might of The Empire and his tactical genius. But Kaiser Albrecht "The Fool" was not a tactical genius and commonly disregarded the opinions of his generals. What ensued was a 5 year long slugging match between the Platinum Pact and The Empire, ultimately culminating in the Battle of Kings in 5 AIS where Imperial forces were routed and Kaiser Albrecht "The Fool" was slain on the field.   His successor Kaiser Frederick, after ascending to the Rainbow Throne and being crowned emperor immediately reinitiated diplomatic peace talks to bring an end to the war. With both sides suffering heavy casualties and having grown tired of the bloodshed, a deal was struck between The Empire and the Platinum Pact. The nations of the Platinum Pact would be allowed to keep their pre-war borders and their independence and were allowed to secede from The Empire if they agreed to an immediate ceasefire. The Platinum Pact agreed and formed their nations of Veltai, Koralous, and Borovia, thus marking the end of the War of Colors.


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