Session Report 2: An Ardent Attempt of Rescue Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 2: An Ardent Attempt of Rescue

General Summary

Earth Date: 26 April 2022
Sigil Date: The first Lady of Regula, HA138.
Sigil Time at start of session: four hours after antipeak
Sigil Time at end of session: six hours after antipeak / 6 hours before peak
  The session began as Chantelel Segern continued to show you around Kateesh House Information. You met Veg, a semi-sentient plant from The Olympian Glades of Arborea that loves to create vegetables and boldly proclaim its accomplishment for all to hear.   As you settled down for a short rest, Hamil Seggern said he would send out his scouts to look on any concerns you had. He sent a scout to each of your homes or businesses.   At the end of a short rest in Kateesh House, you were awakened by a flaming arrow shot through the window of the bunked-bedroom. The note on the flaming arrow told you to bring Fiona Hylon to her home or her brother, Ardent Hylon, would die within the hour. Just then Hamil returned to report and he told you:   1) For months there have been a set of shady characters watrching the Hylon Duke of Ice residence from across the street. 2) Sittith Doughn's revered painting has been taken from his study 3) Shrub may be missing, but Hamil wasn't sure because he was chased out of the pet store by a cadre of bats and heard mighty roars. 4) Caine's mother was not at home and the home was disshelved. 5) Leo's magic shop has undergone significant looting. 6) And he started to say something about Ett Tiberon, but was cut short as you all decided to rush to the aid of Ardent Hylon.   You rushed toward the Hylon mansion without adue only to find it in flames, with a dead person on the second floor, and surrounded by a gang of humans that were lead by a cloaked man -- a cloak that looked very similar to the one Fiona took from a man that broke a window and was reaching for her during the chaos immediately following antipeak. She took the cloak from his dead body as she destroyed him with her fire magics.   Now a man similar to him has a group of archers and ruffians. Alterro heard them conspire and spoke to them with a message spell. He learned that they were after "The Noble" and they seemed rather ardent in their search.   Meanwhile you decided to explore the house across the street that Hamil told you was suspect. You found a basement door in the back and Ett Tiberon proceeded to fling it open forcefully with a thaumaturgy cantrip. As you entered a large ogre seemed confused to see you saying "Hey, you aren't Avid " and proceeded to try to murder you. Between he and his fire snake, he knocked a few of you out, but was ultimately unsuccessful in the murdering. Well.... except for Ardent, Fiona's brother.   As you fought with the ogre and fire snake, fire beetles chewed on an unconcious Ardent Hylon until he was dead.   The session concluded with Fiona not yet seeing her dead brother, but the other members of the Kateesh know that even in their battle victory, they have failed.

Previous session report: Session Report 1: Drawing of the Kateesh 
Next session report: Session Report 3: Jailed! 
Report Date
26 Apr 2022


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