Session Report 3: Jailed! Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 3: Jailed!

General Summary

Earth date: 10 May 2022
Sigil Date: The First Lady of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at start of session: four hours after antipeak
Sigil Time at end of session: two hours before peak

The session began directly at the conclusion of the fight with the ogre bolt launcher, the fire snake, and the fire beetles. Fiona Hylon quickly learned that her brother, Ardent, died while tied to his chair by fire beetles feeding on his unconcious form. While Alterro and Caine attempted to comfort Fiona, Liath and Ett decided to look out the basement window to see what was going on across the street at the Hylon Mansion. There Ett Tiberon saw a spatrol of guards of the Harmonium faction nailing a "wanted" poster of Ett to a lamp post. While one guard was still nailing the poster and nine others were in close proximity, Ett decided to walk up and take the wanted poster from the hands of the guard. The guard quickly recognized Ett and the guards surrounded the small kobold. He was quickly knocked out and taken to the Prison -- the worst jail in Sigil and the faction headquarters of the Mercykillers. Ett was caged within the tightest cage of the Cage.   While in jail, Ett met another prisoner by the name of Darb. Darb was a humanoid whose face was simply covered in crawling maggots or worms. Darb said he was imprissoned because he was too pretty and that he was proficient at "decay magic". He tried to strike a deal with Ett that they should cooperate to escape, but Ett eshewed these attempts at friendship saying that Ett was only interested if Darb would committ to the cause of the Kateesh upon escape. But Darb said that conflicted with his plans to serve his master upon escape. He implied that his master was interested in decay.   Ett also met a tortle guard of the Mercykillers. The tortle guard goaded Ett and told him that he was in jail for killing his own father. However, all the other guards seemed to think Ett was in jail for killing an innocent boy the night before. The tortle, who the players dubbed "Evil Rofl" did not give his name or station.   Ett, still in his prison cell, was then confronted by a swarm of worms that were in some way controled by Darb. They seemed ready to attack.   Meanwhile the rest of the Kateesh, some heavily wounded, withdrew back to Kateesh House for rest and healing. Glavin performed the healing in a celestial style. While Alterro, Leo, and Caine began to rest, LIath and Fiona hatched a plan with Shayna Elistra to visit the Hall of Records to hope to get some maps of the Prison so they could make an attempt to break Ett out of jail.   While at the Hall of Records, Liath and Fiona interacted with a door named Jerrome (not Jerry!) where they found some tax records of the Prison, but no maps. However, a shadowy human, who called himself "Ryan" accepted a barmy garnish to tell them that he thought they should look for Jeriome Fell -- a fallen Dabus. He might be able to help them navigate the Dabus tunnels under the prison. If tunnels existed there, he would know of them as the Dabus use these tunnels all over Sigil to maintain and build Sigil. Jeriome Fell was to be found at the Clown's Respite -- a tavern in The Lady's Ward. Ryan walked away and disapeared into the city quickly enough that Liath and Fiona did not have a second chance to talk to him when they decided they should.   The session ended with Liath and Fiona behind another door. This time the door was named Henry. This room contained an old map (50 years old) of the interior of the Prison.   Ett was still in jail.

Previous session report: Session Report 2: An Ardent Attempt of Rescue 
Next session report: Sesssion Report 4: Plans for Escape, 
Report Date
10 May 2022


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