Session Report 1: Drawing of the Kateesh Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 1: Drawing of the Kateesh

General Summary

Session 1: The Drawing of the Kateesh

Earth date: 12 April 2022
Sigil Date: The first Lady of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at start of session: Antipeak
Sigil Time at end of session: four hours after antipeak

  Leagueheim was late this year. In fact the year HA137 nearly skipped it completely! But now the three weeks of nice weather are over and you went to sleep. No sooner did your eyes close and you seemed to dream. The Lady of Pain looked directly at you and put her sigil on your head -- and in the process took some of your health permanently from you. But in that dream you saw others -- those you now know as the Kateesh converging on the Trioptic Nic'Epona Statue in the Clerk's Ward Basic Information.

Each of you, in a fashion and in your own way, started heading toward the statue except for Liath Doughn who seemed to rebuke the wishes of the Lady and walked his own path toward his friend, Leo Corrigan. As his forehead started to fiercely burn again, Liath was hunted by a clockwork owl and then run down by the very chariot that held his friend as Leo was being rushed toward the Clerk's Ward by Clooney -- a searcher for the Teesh.   Each member of the Kateesh was attacked on their path toward the statue of the Clerk's Ward. Some of those attacks seemed to stem from a fear of the sigil burned in to your forehead.   The other four of you were found by Hamil Seggern, a Bariaur who had also been sent by the Teesh to find the members of the Kateesh.   Hamil, and his mother, Chantelel Segern, tried to answer your questions and told you Glavin, Arm of Heimdal would be able to answer more.   And Glavin did answer more of your questions in a ceremony called "The Asking" where he was able to ask questions of the Lady of Pain, but with each answer the ritual would claim the life of an Elder of the Kateesh. In this way a halfling man from Elysium and an Incubus from Hades were both slain.   And from those deaths you learned that there is a terrible threat to Sigil building. It is so terrible that the Lady has slammed shut all the doors of Sigil until you, the Kateesh, can ensure the safety of the doors.   And so you were tasked to rid the inner and outer planes of whatever threat has caused the Lady to close the doors in such panic. But to do this you would first have to escape the bird cage which is said to be impossible without using a portal door.   Your second question hinted that Lothar the Old -- Master of Bones may know a way to escape the cage without using a portal door. But first you have to find him and your best hint is that must find a fresh skull near the river known as "the ditch" three nights from now on the first Clerk of Regula.   The session terminated as Chantelel introduced you to your new home base, Kateesh House Information.

Next session report: Session Report 2: An Ardent Attempt of Rescue 
Glavin: Arm of Heimdall, Voice of The Lady of Pain
Report Date
12 Apr 2022


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