Session Report 5: The Pet Shop Boys! Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 5: The Pet Shop Boys!

General Summary

Earth Date: 14 June 2022
Sigil Date: STILL the First Lady of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at the start of the session: two hours after peak
Sigil Time at the end of the session: three hours after peak

  The session began with Ett in the empty room near Tara's bedroom in the basement of the Prison. Tara checked in on Ett once but told him that it wasn't time yet. She would bring the cart and the sheet near dinner time. She told Ett that Melody and Sam had not returned yet.   Meanwhile in Kateesh house the rest of the Kateesh decided to go to the Clown's Respite to try to find Jeriome Fell. They are still hoping that he can give them information that might help them either break Ett out of jail, or help them rescue Ett at the mock trial. But they never made it to the Clown's Respite. They had to pass Alterro's father's pet shop on the way and Alterro couldn't resist the need to go check on his father's employee, Shrub. They went around to the back door of the shop and snuck in. As Alterro entered Shrub's quarters, he was attacked by a lion that was stealthily waiting. The battle was soon joined by the dire wolf in the front of the store. After a short battle, the lion laid dead, but the dire wolf was released into the city. The clever use of a minor illusionary sound of a second wolf by Fiona and the use of a foul smelling trinket made by Leo Corrigan were particularly instrumental in achieving success in this fight -- where success means they didn't die and Shrub was rescued from his hiding place in his closet.   The session ended with Ett still making plans and the Kateesh still en route toward the Clown's Respite to find Jeriome Fell.   Note: The characters have achieved enough experience to level up to level 2, but they will need a long rest to do so.

Previous session report: Sesssion Report 4: Plans for Escape, 
Next session report: Session Report 6: Sugarplum, Fell, and Hungry Thieves 
Report Date
14 Jun 2022


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