Session Report 6: Sugarplum, Fell, and Hungry Thieves Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 6: Sugarplum, Fell, and Hungry Thieves

General Summary

Earth Date: 21 June 2022
Sigil Date: Yep, still the First Lady of Regular, HA138
Sigil Time at the start of the session: 3 hours after peak
Sigil Time at the end of the session: 4 hours after antipeak on the First Market of Regula
  The session began with the characters standing over a bloody lion and having just rescued Shrub from his closet. They decided to continue on to the Clown's Respite . Here they met Sugarplum, the fat fairy barkeeper. Over some type of meat dish and ales, the characters learned that Jeriome Fell, the Fallen Dabus, indeed frequents the bar and that he would probably be in attendance in a few hours. After the predicted amount of time, Fell arrived. The characters talked to him (Fell speaks in Common) and the Kateesh and he made a deal. He would tell them anything they wanted to know, speaking no mistruths, for an hour. The only topic that was off the table was anything to do with Sugarplum.

All the characters had to do to reap the wealth of knowledge that an ancient former Dabus of the Lady of Pain and a once self-proclaimed cleric of a self-made god of portals possess is to procure Fell's old helmet in the Palace of the Jester. Fell told them he has tried to get it himself but that every time he tries to enter the Palace he finds he is exiting the Palace instead. Fell has sent many others to the Palace of the Jester to get his helmet, but none of returned.

  The characters agreed to meet Fell back in the Clown's Respite the next night after they made their attempt at the Helmet.   The Katesh then mosied on home to sleep, but on the way were accousted by a group of ratfolk theives that wanted the fresh, butchered lion carcass they were carrying in a few sacks. The thieves seemed to be food motivated and the Kateesh realized that the health and desperation Sigilians would probably get worse the longer the portals are all closed to the Birdcage.   Upon getting back to Kateesh House, the characters passed out and took their long rest -- leveling to level 2 in the process.   Meanwhile, in the Prison of the Mercykillers, Ett Tiberon hatches his plans from inside an empty dormitory room down the hall that of Tara, Melody, and Sam. Ett's latest ploy to escape the clutches of the Mercykillers was to have Tara spread a rumor that she saw a Kobold cast a spell, go incorporeal, and walk straight through the Prison walls. Tara was unsure of her ability to deceive but seemed almost intoxicated at the thought of doing something (anything!) new. While Tara spread the rumor, Ett slept and also leveled up to level 2!   The session ended, after long rests for all, as the sky brightens in a city growing more and more desperate for food, drink, and supplies, on the First Market Day of Regula -- a day for shopping of the weekly supplies -- and an execution.

Previous session report: Session Report 5: The Pet Shop Boys! 
Next session report: Session Report 7: Ett Escapes, Palace of the Jester 
  Sugarplum -- The Fairy Proprietor of The Clown's Respite The Lady's Ward.
Report Date
08 Jul 2022


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