Sesssion Report 4: Plans for Escape, Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Sesssion Report 4: Plans for Escape,

General Summary

Earth Date: 24 May 2022
Sigil Date: The First Lady of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at start of session: two hours before peak
Sigil Time at end of session: two hours after peak

  The session began with Fiona and Liath in the Hall of Records. In the room doored by Henry, they found a map of the interior of the Prison, but the map was 50 years old. Liath pulled off his shirt and copied the map with charcoal onto his chest and arms. As he finished, Henry opened and the minotaur scribe of the Fated came into the room. Fiona thought quickly and grabbed Liath and kissed him! The scribe told them to leave.   Instead of going home, Liath and Fiona decided to take a look in the pet shop owned by the father of Alterro. They found the front door forced open from the inside and they heard a deep growl. They entered anyway. They were quickly beset upon by a lion and a dire wolf. Luckily the lion and the dire wolf seemed just as intent on killing each other as they did in killing Liath and Fiona, and the pair barely got away from the buidling with their lives. Although their original plan was to find the Clown's Respite, they decided to go home and rest after their distraction with the lion and dire wolf. Once home, Alterro Direclaw copied the charcoal-copied, 50 year old, map of the interior of the prison.   Meanwhile, Ett was still in jail, but he had an idea! He called a guard over toward his cell and managed to grappel him while Darb flicked a worm onto the guard's arm. The worm crawled under the skin of the guard who quickly perished. Ett found a rusty fork in the guard's pocket and managed to pick the lock on his cell! Darb, who had just assisted Ett, asked Ett to set him free too. Ett made one attempt to free Darb with the fork, but when the lockpicking failed Ett abandoned Darb and took off running. The guards of the Mercykillers gave chase! Ett managed to lose the pursuit with a clever fake of a slammed door giving Ett just a bit of breathing room.   The naked Ett found a kitchen and equipped himself with a few poorly made knives (daggers -1) and ran into two human girls. Upon seeing Ett, one girl who we later learned is named Melody, ran. But the other, Tara, took pity on Ett and took him to her bedroom. Tara is a poor girl working nearly as an indentured servant to the Mercykillers here in their faction hall. She is 12 years old and has only been out of the Prison thrice in her life. On two of those occasions she was taken to the Clown's Respite where she stayed in a room while the Mercykiller that brought her here worked some sort of deal. Tara doesn't know the details, but she loved getting out of the Prison on those occassions!   Tara hid Ett in her room where they got to know each other a bit. Tara seems committed to helping Ett escape, but she has very few resources or ideas. Tara shares this bedroom with Melody (who is currently off scrubbing some pots) and Sam (who is training to be a Mercykiller himself and could return at any moment). A guard comes in to search for the escaped prisoner, but Tara helps Ett hide in a cot pretending to be a sickened Sam. Tara helps Ett move down the hall to an empty room and promises to bring a cart and a sheet to cover the cart in a couple hours. Ett's plan seems to be to walk under the cart with the sheet covering it as Tara delivers food to the guards in their residence area on the east side of the complex.   Caine, Leo, and Alterro spent most of this session achieving their long rest, talking to Shayna and Veg, and meditating.   During his rest, Caine Azarad had a dream of being surrounded by worms. When he called out to the Raven Queen to help him gather his will, the scene resolved into that of a ghost girl standing by while a group of heros fought a vampire. Simultaneously The Raven Queen sat on a throne near the fight.   The session ended with Liath nearly dead (for the third time) and Ett still in the building called the Prison even if he was no longer in his cell. If the guards can find him, Ett is slated for a mock trial and a hanging at peak tomorrow along with Darb.

Previous session report: Session Report 3: Jailed! 
Next session report: Session Report 5: The Pet Shop Boys! 
Report Date
24 May 2022


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