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Classes - at a glance

Iron Kingdoms: Requiem - Classes


Alchemist (IK:R - p.76)

Basically: Field alchemists - make utility potions and mixes on the fly, or more complex tools and such. Has extra melee at 5th level, makes grenades, can use alchemical weapons
  • Combat Alchemist: Grenades! Explosions! More combat utility!
  • Synthesist: Better potions! More healing! Buffs!
  • Rogue Alchemist: Sneaky alchemists! Good at scrounging materials and roguishness.

Bone Grinder (Borderlands & Beyond - p.68)

Basically: "Reduce, reuse, recycle" taken to its grisly conclusion. Make fetishes, totems, talismans and items from the corpses of your enemies. Or friends, I'm not the boss of you. Focus on harvesting ingredients (get ranger skills for your favourite "ingredient") and build up a super cursed cookbook of magic things that probably smell horrendous on warm days. Oh, and you get spells, too.   Subclasses:
  • The Way of Bile: Poisons. Eat poison. Sweat poison. Toxic as an internet comment section. Oh, and you can destroy talismans for spell slots.
  • The Way of Blood and Bone: Destroy talismans to do more damage. Get more attacks. Steal "ingredients" off the living. Totes brutal.

Gun Mage (IK:R - p.85)

Basically: magic guns! pew pew! Make rune shots to do special effects like Ghost Bullets (tm), corrode metal, silent shot or just heckin explode. Each order carries history/backstory, except lone gun. Dex/Cha focused   Subclasses:
  • The Order of the Arcane Tempest: Double down on the gunfighting
  • The Order of the Thorn: Llaelese order. Espionage and assassination
  • The Order of the Lone Gun: Want wild magic? Be an untrained gun mage!

Gunfighter (IK:R - p.91)

Basically: Gunfighter is a fighter with a gun! Soldiers, mercs, snipers, etc. Access to trick shots to do specific things. Reload faster, craft ammo, and Be Good With Guns.   Subclasses:
  • Pistoleer: Gunslinger archetype. Quick draw! pew pew!
  • Sharpshooter: Sniper, good with rifles and never miss again.
  • Commando: Covert activities and CQC. Become rambo. Weild satchel charges and grenades.
  • Ghost Sniper (B&B):

Mechanik (IK:R - p. 96)

Basically: Artificer on steroids! Get a steam powered mech suit, build, maintain, and command steamjacks, build mechanika for the party or hoard it for yourself, improve devices through tinkering, and even bodge together temporary items. Also get better reflexes and perception around machinery because a mechanic's shop pre-WHSE act is scary.   Subclasses:
  • Combat Mechanik: Basically a battlefield mechanic. Be better in combat and at damaging constructs.
  • Ironhead: Customizable steam-powered iron man suit. Because of course
  • Arcane Mechanik: Mechanik with spells! Can also mess with magic items better, and use them to replenish spell slots
  • Arcanist Mechanik (B&B p.????):
  • Rhulic Mechanik:

Shaman (B&B - p.76)

Basically: A proper shaman! Finally! Focused on rituals and rites - the latter are kind of like extra spells but you can only have one active at a time. Part way between cleric and druid but with its own flavour. Choose between worshipping Dhunia (the Mother Goddess) or the Devourer Wurm (the Beast of All Shapes)  
  • Matron Domain: Protection and healing. Some damage buff rituals. Blessings of the Earth Mother.
  • Predator Domain: Worship the Beast of All Shapes. Sacrifice blood - your own or others - or feast on your enemies for power. More close combat focused.

    Warcaster (IK:R - p.102)

    Basically: the gishiest gish to ever gish. Combat, spellcasting, etc. Bonds to steamjacks and has special interactions and attacks with them. Get special steam powered armour and use focus points for spells, changing them on a long rest.   Subclasses:
    • Controller: Double down on the steamjacks. Repairs and special interactions with them. Get a clapped out steamjack when controller is chosen.
    • Arcanist: Focus on spells, can spend focus like sorcs spend sorcery points.
    • Soldier: More close combat focused. Be a powerhouse.
    • Arcanika Adeptis:
    • Rhulic Warcaster:
    • Arcane Assassin (B&B):
    • Void Touched:

      Warlock (IK) (B&B - p.82)

      Basically: Not a typical D&D warlock! Those exist too, but are super rare and usually aligned with infernals. These folks are basically 100% natural alternatives to warcasters. Want a puppy? How about a 12 foot tall, 2 headed puppy? With magic rabies? Bond with your beasts and use their fury to fuel your spells instead of focus, and transfer incoming damage to them. Just be careful they don't go berserk! When the bond deepens warbeasts get their own spells - animi - that they can cast depending on the species. Your character's "resonance" determines the warbeasts they can bond with - trolls, farrow, or devourer.  
    • Devourer Resonance: All the horned, taloned, and fanged predators - and it's all about the hunt. Humans typically develop this resonance during something called "the wilding" where they connect to the Devourer Wurm, and druids of the Circle Orboros seek these wildings out to indoctrinate and train them as Blackclads.
    • Farrow Resonance: Are you achin? For some bacon? Here's a big pig! You can play a big pig, too! OI! Note: Generally need to be a farrow to play this. Farrow aren't nice to their beasts so when they go berserk, boss hog is coming straight at you, wee little piggy.
    • Trollblood Resonance: All about trolls, baby. Tonnes of regen, support, spare the dying, and a big, blue friend - assuming you can keep him fed. Uncontrolled trolls will seek out the strongest looking thing to fight to assert dominance - much like in prison or a McDonald's car park after 2am.

      D&D 5E subclasses



    • Path of the Long Rider:
    • Path of the Runeshaper:
    • Path of the Warchief:


    • Fellcaller (trollkin only. IK:R - p.109): Dovahkin skyrim shouts, sonic damage, buffs and debuffs. The power of yodelling compels you!


      A note on the clerics: these are complex, multifaceted deities with many ascendants/saints/scions, and as such their worship is reflects this. If you wanna rep your favourite god but don't like these domains, try the following:
    • Morrow, the Radiant Twin: Any domain involving vitality, radiance, honourable conflict, or knowledge.
    • Thamar, the Dark Twin: Any domain involving death, shadow, or manipulation.
    • Menoth, the Lawgiver: Any domain involving justice, battle, or zeal.
    •   Domains:
    • Divine Domain: Benefaction (IK:R - p.110): Healing, buffs, and radiant damage. Morrowan ideals. The cleric's cleric.
    • Divine Domain: Guile (IK:R - p.111): Thamarite's fave. Sneakiness, manipulation, and damage spells.
    • Divine Domain: Obedience (IK:R - p.112): Menoth's homeboys. Battle hymns and damage. Obey or die.
    • Divine Domain: Judgement:
    • Divine Domain: Void:


    • Battle Chaplain (IK:R - p.114): Put a bit of battle cleric in your fighter. Morrowan precursor knights an example.
    • Man-at-Arms(IK:R - p.115): Defensive combat and bodyguards. Immovable objects with polearms. Iron Fangs an example.
    • Storm Knight (IK:R - p.115): Lightning-Knights! Get lightning-proof armour and storm weapons if in good standing with Cygnaran military.
    • Ryssovass:
    • Trooper:


    • Way of Deception (IK:R - p.116): Thamarite tradition. Disguise self, manipulate, and steal memories. Commit fraud.
    • Way of the Fist (IK:R - p.117): Menite tradition. Punch heathens in the name of the Lawgiver. Ascetic masters of the knuckle sandwich
    • Way of the Battle Mage:
    • Way of the Gun:
    • Way of Lyss Healing:


    • Oath of Radiance (IK:R - p.119): Morrowan orders, especially precursor knights. Messes up undead. All about radiance and jolly cooperation. If only I could be so gloriously incandescent...
    • Oath of the Wall (IK:R - p.120): Menite order. Protect the faithful. Be an absolute unit. The ultimate holy tank.
    • Oath of the Custodian:
    • Oath of Edicts:


    • Bounty Hunter (IK:R - p.121): Can knock fools out when you get them to 0hp. Sneaky traps and tracking
    • Mage Hunter (IK:R - p.122): Resist magic. Delete mages. Profit. Iosan's fave class.
    • Vigilant (IK:R - p.123): Hunt infernals, abberations, the occult, etc. Usually a card-carrying member of the Order of Illumination.
    • Nyss Hunter:


    • Cutthroat (IK:R - p.124): Brutal rogue. Mug people and more during sneak attack. Actual #thug lyfe
    • Duellist (IK:R - p.125): Bodyguards and mercenaries who make duelling Their Thing. Good With Swords and smug about it. Dex/Cha. Swashbucklers wish they could.
    • Mage Slayer:
    • Bushwhacker:
    •   Sorceror
    • Ice Forged:
    •   Wizard
    • Magister:
    • Tactical Arcanist:

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